Dave Evans
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She was in the last meeting of ministers, but seems to be taking a very low profile.She doesn't have a commercial bone in her body, is easily influenced by her crooked advisors, and unfortunately it takes months/years to pull her up
BTW, where's MofP these days, Malaka?
She needs to go
Yes, I believe she is (now) on our side, but once she has signed the decree, she can go. She is too easily influenced - a bit like me at school according to my teachers at various levels, and we don't want her changing her mind againThey say she is on our side X. I’m just adding some extra information in this, and a few other threads for Dave. As you have probably noticed, he has decided to take it up a notch elsewhere. Think he’s decided to get in ahead of the AFRICA - DRC Battery Metals event
By the way, he said to say hi…. He’s also a Pink Floyd fan
MINES.CD - First Congolese media in the mining sector > Blog > IN THE headlines > USD 70 million case involving a Cominiere administrator: Antoinette N'samba in the eye of the cyclone
Case $70 million involving an administrator of the Cominiere: Antoinette N'samba in the eye of the cyclone
Last updated: 2024/07/11 at 5:40 PM
MinesPublished July 11, 2024
The case of the alleged payment of US$70 million (USD) involving former Minister of Mines Antoinnete N'samba Kalambayi, causes a lot of ink and saliva to flow. It raises fears of the opening of a legal action.
Sword of Damocles?Any questions to ask?
Last May, the civil society organization Le Congo N'est pas à Vendre had alerted, via a statement sent to Mines.cd, about a scandal of embezzlement of about USD 70 million and corruption involving the company Cominiere SA.
According to this civil society, it was an endowment that would have been carried out by the Chinese company Zijin Mining for the benefit of a non-governmental organization (NGO) Le Bouclier, led by Jean-David É'ngazi who is at the same time a member of the Board of Directors of this company in the State portfolio.
Since then, voices have been raised mainly on the web, calling on the former Minister of Mines, Antoinette N'saba Kalambay to clarify, rightly or wrongly, the "misappropriation of $70 million involving an administrator of the COMINIERE".
Sword of Damocles?
The fear of a probable prosecution is felt. Opinion wonders how a Chinese firm could pay such a colossal amount estimated at USD 70 million to an NGO belonging to one of the directors of the Cominiere without the Minister of Mines knowing it?
According to Danny Oleka, lawyer for Antoinette N'samba Kalambay, the Chinese company Zijin Mining would have made a simple "endowment" to Jean-David É'ngazi's Congolese NGO. As a result, another opinion wonders why anti-corruption activists and journalists do not ask for clarifications from the Congolese NGO, its leader, or even the Cominiere company, but only from the former Minister of Mines.
Any questions to ask?
For Danny Oleka, an analysis of this situation by an average intellectual with a minimum of common sense would have raised questions, especially if the fears of the authors of these publications were justified, would the former Minister have anything to blame?
"Even in the event that this donation would have disguised dubious transactions, which it is not possible to say, the former Minister of Mines would not have been involved in the negotiations and/or transactions initiated or concluded by a public mining company, even on a mining right," he said.
The latter being part of the State's patrimony, could not be the subject of a partnership without the State itself deciding, thus raising Article 8 of Law No. 08/010 of 07 July 2008 laying down the rules relating to the organization and management of the State's portfolio and Article 1 B points 7 and 35 of the Ordinance laying down the powers of the ministries, which states that it was not up to the former Minister of Mines to engage the State-shareholder in such a process of disengagement within a portfolio company.
For him, the intervention of the Minister of Mines is technical, by the approval of the transfer, at the end of the examination of the transfer request file by the Ministry's services. Moreover, the question still arises, in view of the facts presented, whether it is appropriate to speak of embezzlement of public funds.
For lawyer David Oleka, to speak of a misappropriation in the case of a donation until proof of the contrary free and not noted by the parties, is to spread his ignorance in the public square, not being a judicial body. For him, there is no reason to request clarifications from Antoinette N'samba Kalambay.
For other analysts, this former boss of the Mines under the Sama 1 and 2 governments risks experiencing the same fate as her former colleagues Nicolas Kazadi of Finance who took the runaway after the public clamor accusing her of embezzlement and François Rubota of Rural Development who is under a provisional arrest warrant at the Kinshasa Penitentary and Rehabilitation Center (CPRK, former Makala prison), both concerning the file of "overbilling the drilling and streetlights project".
Faced with the accusations of some and the defense of others on the one hand, and the voices that rise asking for the clarification of the former Minister of the Minister of Mines on the other, it is up to the body of the Law to seize this file so that the truth can be broken out.
Affaire 70 millions USD impliquant un administrateur de la Cominiere : Antoinette N'samba dans l'oeil du cyclone - MINES.CD - Premier média congolais du secteur minier
L’affaire du prétendu versement de 70 millions de dollars américains (USD) impliquant l’ancienne Ministre des Mines Antoinnete N’samba Kalambayi, fait couler beaucoup d’encre et de salive. Elle fait craindre l’ouverture d’une action judiciaire.ContentsÉpée de Damoclès ?Des questions à se poser ...mines.cd
It's all just fucking smoke, and absolutely nothing will happen.
These are the most protected and corrupt snake-heads on the planet.
The DRC economy is their private bank.
Where's my fucking drink?
Great work Dave.That’s why I’m starting to put some information on the corruption on the DRC-AFRICA Battery Metals forum
Africa Battery Metals, DRC
Join us at the 2nd edition of the DRC-Africa Battery Metals Forum in Kinshasa on 17-18 September 2024! Be part of this transformative event! Secure your spot now and experience unparalleled networking and industry insights here: https://eu1.hubs.ly/H0b6xnL0
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Dave Evans
DRC President violates @icsid and @iccwbo orders and protects corruption
Cominiere corrupt
Kibeya corrupt
Kabanga corrupt
E’ngazi corrupt
https://africaintelligence.com/central-africa/2024/04/19/zijin-mining-pays-dollars70m-to-mysterious-congolese-ngo,110217611-art https://pic.x.com/j79kwtowyp
Apr 8, 2023
#MANONO #LITHIUM SCANDALE sur la vente des 15% de l'État Congolais aux Chinois de #ZIJIN à 33.4 millions que 150 millions $US. En 2021 un dirigeant de la #COMINIERE demande de faire apparaître 35.5 millions $US sur les documents que le chiffre réel convenu. @Presidence_RDC
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