David E’ngazi $70 Million Fraud

Dave Evans


Lithium: the intriguing transformation of $ 70 million from Zijin Mining to an NGO

As part of its partnership with La Comminière, a subsidiary of the Chinese mining Zijin paid an important contribution to a mysterious Congolese NGO, whose president is himself a public company administrator.

The counterparts of the deal on manono lithium between the Chinese giant Zijin Mining Group and the Comminière public enterprise agitate the small business world in the province of Tanganyika, where one wonders about the methods of a payment of 70 millions of dollars. This was carried out by one of the subsidiaries of Zijin, Jinxiang Lithium, to an NGO recorded in 2020 with the Congolese authorities, called the shield.

In its statement announcing the deal, Zijin Mining mentioned a contribution of $ 70 million "to support humanitarian aid efforts in the northeast and eastern DRC". The envelope was allocated in its entirety to the shield. Its president, Jean-David E'ngazi, worked for a long time in Canada, where he presents himself as the president of the Congolese community in Montreal. He returned to 2020 in the DRC, where he became a member of the Economic and Social Council.

Above all, Jean-David E'ngazi joined the Common Board of Directors in September 2023, a few weeks before the public company concretizes its deal with Zijin. An appointment which he owes to the new president of the board of directors, Lisette Kabanga Tshibwabwa. Member of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS, the party of President Félix Tshisekedi), the latter took the lead in the comine in August 2023 after having officiated as director of Jean-Claude Bukasa, ex-interim special advisor responsible for security issues.

"Brading" of mining active ingredients
Lisette Kabanga, who also creeps a senator's armchair in the elections scheduled for April 21, played a key role in bringing the comicine with Zijin Mining Group. And this, well before they are appointed president of the board of directors. As Africa Intelligence had revealed (AI Du13/12/22), his company Focus Plaidoirie had worked in the sale in 2021 in Zijin of the shares held by the comine in a joint venture intended to exploit the deposit of Manono. An operation described as a "sale" of the company's mining assets in a report by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF). Lisette Kabanga had perceived for this work a remuneration of $ 1.6 million.

Contacted by Africa Intelligence, Neither Lisette Kabanga ni Jean-David E'ngazi wanted to follow up on our requests, in particular concerning the use of funds paid at the end of 2023 to the shield by Zijin. The $ 70 million first landed at the end of November on the account of a bank whose identity remains questionable. However, it appears that this account has been the subject of many disbursements: a few weeks later, the balance, or 40 million dollars, was transferred to another account of the NGO at EquityBCDC.




Jean-David E'ngazi was involved in 2015 Panama Papers Scandal (see picture) & was briefly jailed during Kabila regime before fleeing to Montrael, Canada. Jean used a Shell company in a Tax Haven (picture) to route his money laundering operation via the #DRC "NGO Le Bouclier" $AVZ



Moïse Katumbi Exposes Corruption Scandal in Congolese Mining Sector 1

Mining in DRC



Moïse Katumbi, a prominent Congolese opposition figure and former governor of Katanga, has raised concerns about a corruption scandal involving the public mining company COMINIERE and a mysterious Congolese NGO in the lithium exploitation project in Manono with Australian firm AVZ.

According to Katumbi, after the sale of shares in COMINIERE, a significant sum of $70 million was transferred to the accounts of an NGO, whose president is an administrator of the public company. He highlighted that $40 million of this amount mysteriously disappeared.

Katumbi implicated a Chinese subsidiary of Zijin Mining Group in the bribery scheme and criticized the neglect of justice and transparency institutions like the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in addressing the issue.

Expressing concern for the well-being of the Congolese people, especially those in the East, Katumbi urged an end to the “shameful looting” of resources and demanded accountability to secure the future for the country’s children.

This accusation of corruption adds to a series of scandals tarnishing President Félix Tshisekedi’s governance. Katumbi, with presidential ambitions, called for national mobilization against corruption and impunity.

Notably, COMINIERE has faced accusations of favoring the Chinese group Zijin Mining Group over the lithium project in Manono, despite hopes raised by AVZ Mineral Limited’s initiative within the local community.


Moïse Katumbi Exposes Corruption Scandal in Congolese Mining Sector - Copperbelt Katanga Mining

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Dave Evans


Le Congo N’est Pas à Vendre.

Translated from French by
The “CNPAV” says it is deeply concerned about the information reporting a “donation” of US$70 million allegedly made by Zijin Mining for the benefit of an (NGO) led by Mr. Jean- David E'ngazi, member of the board of directors of Cominière.
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Dave Evans


DRC: Congo Is Not For Sale requests an investigation into the controversial management of the Manono lithium deposit by Cominière​


Lithium samples at the Manono development site, operated by a subsidiary of the Australian AVZ Minerals. © AVZMINERALS

Lithium samples at the Manono development site, operated by a subsidiary of the Australian AVZ Minerals. © AVZMINERALS

Saturday May 11, 2024 - 09:55

In a statement on Friday, May 10, the Congo Coalition is Not for Sale (CNPAV) demands an official investigation into the management of the Kitotolo-Manono lithium deposit by the Cominière, a public mining company in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which reportedly received $70 million from Zijin Mining, a Chinese company headed by Jean David E'ngazi, at the same time also a member of the Cominière's board of directors.

According to Congo is not for sale, this "donation" was made as part of a joint venture agreement for the exploitation of the Kitotolo-Manono lithium deposit in Tanganyika, which has enormous potential to help the DRC develop economically, in view of its role in the context of the "energy transition" and the high lust to which it is subject because of its use in the batteries of electric vehicles. This Manono lithium deposit, regrets the CNPAV, is the subject of many accusations, including corruption and mismanagement.

For the CNPAV, the required investigation must be extended to the Ministries of Mines and the Portfolio, which have an active look at mining management in the DRC.
"The CNPAV also calls for disciplinary action against the members of the board of directors involved in the transaction to the NGO Le Bouclier, to proceed to the return of funds to the public treasury and to initiate an independent audit of the funds already received and spent by Le Bouclier, to use the results of the IGF investigation for legal actions against the persons involved in the file,... invite the Minister of Mines before parliament to prepare an oral question with debate on the Cominière file and ensure the publication of the Manono Lithium SAS contract in accordance with the requirements of the Mining Code", can be read in the press release.
Click to expand...
Click to expand...
The Cominière has already been accused by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) of "selling" the State's assets and "squandering" profits. The allocation of the Manono deposit to AVZ Minerals in 2016 has also been the subject of controversy.

For Congo is not for sale, the Congolese government should have organized a call for tenders to negotiate an agreement in a position of strength, because "this deposit was the subject of strong competition between investors and belonged until 2022 to Dathcom, a joint venture controlled by an Australian company AVZ Minerals". This structure regrets that instead, the government has allowed the Cominière to negotiate an agreement with Zijin Mining by mutual agreement.

Bruno Nsaka


RDC : Congo N'est Pas à Vendre demande une enquête sur la gestion controversée du gisement de lithium de Manono par Cominière

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Dave Evans


MINES.CD - First Congolese media in the mining sector > Blog > CONTINUOUS > DRC: The Minister of Mines called to clarify the embezzlement of USD 70 million involving an administrator of the Cominière

DRC: The Minister of Mines called to clarify the embezzlement of USD 70 million involving an administrator of the Cominière​

MinesPublished May 12, 2024


The Cominière company is at the center of a scandal of proven corruption and embezzlement of about US$70 million. According to the Coalition Congo N'est à Vendre (CNVAP), this is an endowment that would have been carried out by Zijin Mining for the benefit of a non-governmental organization (NGO) led by Mr. Jean E'ngazi, who is also a member of the board of directors of this company in the state portfolio.

Reminder of the factsDaniel Bawuna
According to the CNPAV coalition, this observation is only the most recent of a succession of worrying information on the opaque management of lithium assets of the country by the Cominière - a company in the state portfolio. To do this, this anti-corruption platform requires a formal investigation and that senior officials involved in the mismanagement of the country's resources be held liable.

In particular, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette N'Samba is called upon to clarify the embezzlement of this sum of USD 70 million involving an administrator of the Cominiere.

"The funds for social interventions granted on the sidelines of the conclusion of a strategic mining contract should be managed by the Congolese State and not by a private entity. Worse, the transfer of $70 million to a non-profit organisation whose president is a member of the Cominière board of directors who participated in the discussions for access to this mining permit, could constitute an act of corruption, "revealed the CNPAV coalition.

Further on, this platform, which campaigns against anti-values, considered that these payments could create conflicts of interest through an illicit enrichment of the members of the board of directors of the Cominière and indeed constitutes a misappropriation of funds to the detriment of the Congolese population who live in extreme poverty.

"This practice is contrary to the code of conduct for career officers and public administration. The members of the Cominière Board of Directors are responsible for important decisions concerning the valuable mining assets of the DRC, decisions that could clearly be influenced by significant payments to the private organizations of the members of the board of directors by an investor, "denounced the CNPAV coalition.

Faced with the above, the Congo is for sale calls on the Minister of Mines to take urgent measures to shed light on this case and punish those responsible for this embezzlement.

The CNPAV calls on the Government of the Republic and the control institutions to launch an official investigation into the mismanagement by the Cominière and the Ministries of Mines and the Portfolio of the Kitotolo-Manono lithium deposit;
In the same vein, the Congo Is Not for Sale coalition has made some recommendations, including:
  • Register this issue with the Council of Ministers and invite the Minister of Mines before the press as part of the government's accountability;
  • Invite the Minister of Mines before parliament to ask her an oral question with debate on the Cominière file.

Reminder of the facts

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has one of the most strategic lithium deposits in the world, including the Kitotolo-Manono deposit in Tanganyika. In the context of the energy transition, this ore is highly coveted because of its use in electric vehicle batteries. The Manono lithium deposit has enormous potential to help the DRC develop economically. However, he has been at the center of many accusations, including corruption and mismanagement.

This deposit was the subject of strong competition between investors and belonged until 2022 to Dathcom, a joint venture controlled by an Australian company AVZ Minerals. In April 2022, the ministry requested the retrocession of the northeast part of the deposit, and then cancelled the permit for Kitotolo-Manono completely in February 2023. Given the strong interest of investors in the site, the government should have organized a call for tenders to negotiate an agreement in a position of strength. Instead, the ministry seems to have allowed La Cominière to negotiate by mutual agreement with Zijin Mining that remains unpublished until today.

In October 2023, the Cominière signed a new joint venture contract with Zijin Mining effectively giving it control of the northeast section of the Manono deposit by creating a joint venture called Manono Lithium SAS. It was announced that under this agreement, Manono Lithium would make a donation of $70 million to support humanitarian efforts in the East and Northeast of the DRC On April 19, 2024, Africa Intelligence reported that Zijin Mining had made this donation to a relatively unknown NGO called "Le Bouclier", and that the president of this NGO is Jean David E'Ngazi, member of the board of directors of La Cominière.

Daniel Bawuna

RDC: La Ministre des mines appelée à clarifier le détournement de 70 millions USD impliquant un administrateur de la Cominière - MINES.CD - Premier média congolais du secteur minier

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Dave Evans

Additional posts on Twitter relating to the NGO (David E’ngazi - Director of Cominiere) fraud

Including this one by Moise Katumbi👇

Moise Katumbi

La corruption en #RDC prend des proportions scandaleuses ! Après la cession des parts de la COMINIERE, une somme colossale de 70 millions USD atterrit dans les coffres d'une mystérieuse ONG congolaise Bouclier dont le président est lui-même administrateur de l’entreprise publique.

Plus louche encore, sur ce transfert, 40 millions USD ont mystérieusement disparu. Tous les doigts accusateurs pointent la société chinoise, filiale du minier chinois Zijin Mining Group, dans ce jeu de pots-de-vin. Pendant que Manono crie à l'aide pour la réhabilitation du barrage de Piana-Mwanga, nos élites se goinfrent sur le dos du peuple.

Pourquoi le Procureur reste-t-il sourd à cette affaire, alors que l'ITIE reste muette depuis 2021, sans produire de rapport ? L'argent s'évapore, pendant que nos frères et sœurs de l'Est souffrent. Qui garantira l'avenir de nos enfants lorsque nos ressources seront épuisées ? Il est grand temps de mettre fin à ce pillage honteux et d'exiger des comptes. #CorruptionRDC #JusticePourManono"

Translated from French by
Corruption in #RDC takes on scandalous proportions! After the sale of COMINIERE's shares, a colossal sum of 70 million USD landed in the coffers of a mysterious Congolese NGO Bouclier, whose president is himself a director of the public company.

Even more suspicious, of this transfer, 40 million USD mysteriously disappeared. All accusing fingers point at the Chinese company, a subsidiary of the Chinese miner Zijin Mining Group, in this bribery game. While Manono cries for help for the rehabilitation of the Piana-Mwanga dam, our elites are glutting themselves on the backs of the people.

Why is the Prosecutor remaining deaf to this matter, while the EITI has remained silent since 2021, without producing a report? Money evaporates, while our brothers and sisters in the East suffer. Who will guarantee the future of our children when our resources are exhausted? It is high time to put an end to this shameful looting and demand accountability. #CorruptionRDC #JusticePourManono "

And these two by Jens and Outcast

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