Celestin Kibeya Kabemba

Sale of the mining assets of Cominière SA: Technical director Célestin Kibeya accused of complicity and usurpation of competence

Sale of the mining assets of Cominière SA: Technical director Célestin Kibeya accused of complicity and usurpation of competence

Congolese civil society organizations and platforms specializing in mining issues (Justicia Asbl, LICOCO, RND Asbl, POM, MDR, GANVE, CDH, ESPOIR ONG, RCEN, CERN/CENCO, TPRDC, MAX IMPACT), monitoring exploitation of natural resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo, accused, in a press release, the technical director Célestin Kibeya Kabemba of being no stranger to the selling off of the mining assets of the Congolese mining company (Cominière SA).

Worse still, the man exercises the functions of interim Director General without presidential order, nor decree of the ministry of supervision, that of the Portfolio, even less a report of the Board of directors.

"Already on October 26, 2022, when the interim Managing Director Mwamba Athanase was not yet in the hands of Congolese justice, the same Mr. Kibeya had co-signed as '' Managing Director ai '' on behalf of Cominière SA a press release press attributed to UNITED COMINIERE SAS with Eric Allard, a convicted person in Lubumbashi for forgery and use of forgery, and Michel Kitwa Nelkin. “, denounce these NGOs.

These structures draw the particular attention of the President of the Republic, Félix Félix Tshisekedi and the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde to these facts. "Mr. Célestin Kibeya is one of the key players in the sale of Cominière SA shares to Jin Cheng Mining Company Limited (a subsidiary of Zijin) and the undervaluation of the market value castigated by the General Inspectorate of Finance ( IGF) and for which Mr. Mwamba is the only one warned to date, while several elements demonstrate internal teamwork at Cominière SA. “, warn these civil society structures.

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Azzler Posted

The Chinese have stuck back.


Lithium of Manono, Nsamba Kalambay tangles the arrested in the conflict Cominière vs AVZ​

Isn't there an elected representative, deputy or senator, not necessarily from Tanganyika, to stick an oral question with debate, to the reappointed Minister of Mines, Antoinette Nsamba Kalambay on the Manono lithium affair.

By Pold Levi Maweja

Antoinette Nsamba, Minister of Mines @Photo Third Rights

published on April 4, 2023 at 05:34:00

Faced with the indifference of the minister, who was hardly in a hurry to give correspondence, 3 months ago already, on such a sensitive file, even internationally, Mgr the diocesan bishop of Manono, Vincent de Paul Kwanga, and the number one local Methodist Church, Bishop Guy Mande Mutombo, zapped the government to handle the lithium issue.

The two bishops are working to bring together the Congolese mining company (Cominière) and the Australians of AVZ for the easy resumption of the activities of the joint company DATHCOM mining which operates one of the world's largest lithium deposits. Not easy…when the political ramifications from Kinshasa become entangled.

In a catiline-style letter, the DG ai of La Cominière, Célestin Kibeya Kabemba, complains to the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, reserving a copy to the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Chambers that the DRC is in the process of to lose one of the world's largest deposits of lithium in its possession.

While Sicomines' chinoiseries and dols are still in the news, AVZ, an Australian company, is scheming, not without complicity, to steal everything from Cominière: lithium deposits, Mpiana Mwanga power plant, etc. , it was not an April Fool's joke. The DG ai Célestin Kibeya Kabemba of Cominière SA, a public company, learned this at his expense, when on April 1, 2022, without title or quality, a certain TSHISEKE - the consonance is not too far with Tshisekedi - requested and obtained from the Mining Cadastre (CAMI) the transfer of the research permit assigned to Dathcom mining into an exploitation permit. Six days later, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, signed two related decrees.

DG ai Célestin Kibeya de la Cominière had no choice but to alert various authorities in the country to this deception. In his correspondence referenced CEM / DG / 138 / CKK / 2022, the DG ai Kibeya Kabemba maintains that there is to date no agent of Cominière SA, a state-owned company, in the joint venture Dathcom mining , created between Cominiere and the Australian firm AVZ. All positions reserved for the Congolese side were occupied by people imposed by AVZ.

La Cominière cries out for a lack of transparency in fundraising operations. AVZ is a publicly listed company in Australia. She requested funds on the ASX stock exchange without giving the correct information to Cominière SA. In addition, Cominière accuses AVZ of never communicating to it the financial statements of the Dathcom mining joint venture.

Overbilling for questionable work​

Other grievances, heavy presumptions of over-invoicing of certain adjoining projects of which Cominiere was never aware, such is the case of the Manono camp which AVZ estimated at two million dollars. The mining company claims to have injected 70 million dollars into the Dathcom mining project at the exploration stage. What Cominière finds surreal. And the acquisition prices for metallurgical processing plants are ten times higher than in the feasibility studies. AVZ has also taken the liberty of signing sub-contracts without ever involving the partner Cominière. “The Congolese State has therefore lost all control in this company [Dathcom mining] in which its interests should be well defended by Cominière”.

AVZ thus paid for the audacity of dispensing with the favorable opinion of Cominière in order to convert the exploration permit granted to it into an exploitation permit with the Mining Registry (CAMI) . Worse, AVZ supports, continues the DG of Cominière in his accusations, having obtained thanks to his lawyers, the property of the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana Mwanga, thus dispossessing the Congolese State of one of its inalienable heritages.

But now, out of nowhere, the firm AVZ Power, presented as a subsidiary of AVZ Minervals, even obtained the signing of a contract from the Minister of Water Resources and Electricity, Mukaleng, to rehabilitate the Mpiana Mwanga power plant.

Fraudulent capital increase​

Never two without three, Mr. Graeme Johnson of AVZ even has the audacity to try to fraudulently change the capital of Dathcom mining to the detriment of the State by increasing AVZ from 60 to 75% at the level of the Single Window for Creation companies (GUCE)not without internal complicity. The AVZ mafia agent was finally unmasked, arrested and sentenced to 3 years in prison at the TGI then confirmed at the Haut-Katanga Court of Appeal. As if this condemnation were not enough, AVZ convened a meeting of the board of directors of Dathcom mining to record the transfer of its 75% of the shares in Dathcom mining - when in reality, it only holds 60% - to Green Lithium Holding. La Cominière quickly seized, in turn, the CAMI, the commercial court to obtain precautionary measures. Naturally, all interested authorities in the country have been made aware of AVZ's reprehensible practices, starting with the Minister of Mines herself. But, alas, since the beginning of December 2023 to date, the letter from the CEO of Cominière has remained unanswered, the decrees of the supervising minister neither executed nor repealed…. Capernaum.
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Let’s organise some of the fucken bullshit and lies that this corrupt cunt CKK is telling…. I might have to keep editing this post to try and get a proper sequence of events transcribed and wouldn’t mind a bit of @Carlos Danger help if possible.

I’ll start with this recent article from Azzler above:

1) In a catiline-style letter, the DG ai of La Cominière, Célestin Kibeya Kabemba, complains to the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, reserving a copy to the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Chambers that the DRC is in the process of to lose one of the world's largest deposits of lithium in its possession…..

Answer: It was Cominiere who sold 15% of the project to Zigin for $33 mill, with a $6 mill deposit, of which there is no trace in the Treasury

2) AVZ, an Australian company, is scheming, not without complicity, to steal everything from Cominière: lithium deposits, Mpiana Mwanga power plant

Answer: AVZ had a FROR contract with Cominiere to purchase 15% of Cominiere’s remaining 25% after Cominiere illegally sold their shares in Dathcom to Zigin (see IGF Report)

3) The DG ai Célestin Kibeya Kabemba of Cominière SA, learned this at his expense, when on April 1, 2022, without title or quality, a certain TSHISEKE requested and obtained from the Mining Cadastre (CAMI) the transfer of the research permit assigned to Dathcom mining into an exploitation permit.

Answer: Once all requirements for the ML were attained the next part of the process is obviously to apply for the ML

4) Six days later, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Samba Kalambay, signed two related decrees.

Answer: The only questions there are why and how was the tenement split

5) The DG ai Kibeya Kabemba maintains that there is to date no agent of Cominière SA, in the joint venture Dathcom mining, created between Cominiere and the Australian firm AVZ.

Answer: Because Cominiere illegally sold all its shares to Zigin and MMC

6) La Cominière cries out for a lack of transparency in fundraising operations

Answer: AVZ raised funds through publicly notified capital raises to retail and sophisticated investors…. That actually diluted the company’s own stock value

7) Cominière accuses AVZ of never communicating to it the financial statements of the Dathcom mining joint venture

Answer: AVZ has documented proof that it communicated all financial statements to Cominiere

8) CKK presumes over-invoicing of certain adjoining projects of which Cominiere was never aware, such is the case of the Manono camp which AVZ estimated at two million dollars.

Answer: To be added…. But a laughable statement considering Cominiere’s illegal sale of shares to Zigin (valued at $150mil) for $33mil and the $6mil extorted in the transaction)

9) The mining company (AVZ) claims to have injected 70 million dollars into the Dathcom mining project at the exploration stage

Answer: Refer to AVZ achievements over the last 6 years, plus money raised to legally acquire shares in Dathcom

10) AVZ has also taken the liberty of signing sub-contracts without ever involving the partner Cominière. “The Congolese State has therefore lost all control in this company [Dathcom mining] in which its interests should be well defended by Cominière”.

Answer: AVZ is majority owner, has raised the finances and has carried out all the work and informed Cominiere of every step

11) AVZ paid for the audacity of dispensing with the favorable opinion of Cominière in order to convert the exploration permit granted to it into an exploitation permit with the Mining Registry (CAMI) .

Answer: Cominiere basically admitting to being the ones behind CAMI not granting the ML (IMO)

12) AVZ having obtained the property of the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana Mwanga, thus dispossessing the Congolese State of one of its inalienable heritages…. now, the firm AVZ Power, presented as a subsidiary of AVZ Minervals, even obtained the signing of a contract from the Minister of Water Resources and Electricity, Mukaleng, to rehabilitate the Mpiana Mwanga power plant

Answer: Refer AVZ MOU with Minister of Water Resources

13) Mr. Graeme Johnson of AVZ changed the capital of Dathcom mining to the detriment of the State by increasing AVZ from 60 to 75% at the level of the Single Window for Creation companies (GUCE)not without internal complicity.

Answer: AVZ legally purchased an extra 15% shares from Dathomir as per legal contract

14) AVZ convened a meeting of the board of directors of Dathcom mining to record the transfer of its 75% of the shares in Dathcom mining

Answer: Shares were legally acquired as per contract

15) La Cominière seized the CAMI, the commercial court to obtain precautionary measures.

Answer: Again, is this the reason CAMI refused to calculate surface rights and grant the ML!

16) Naturally, all interested authorities in the country have been made aware of AVZ's reprehensible practices, starting with the Minister of Mines herself.

Answer: Thanks for giving us a clearer insight into your corrupt and illegal actions dickhead (CKK)

17) Since the beginning of December 2022 to date, the letter from the CEO of Cominière has remained unanswered, the decrees of the supervising minister neither executed nor repealed…. Capernaum.

Answer: Time for us to give the Minister of Mines all the facts on this corrupt arse clown
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Biding my Time 1971
Edit 1. $33 mill, with a $6 mill deposit, of which there is no trace in the Treasury
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Edit 1. $33 mill, with a $6 mill deposit, of which there is no trace in the Treasury
Thanks X
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Posted by @Carlos Danger

With a huge amount of thanks for all your time and hard work finding and translating these documents Carlos…. Regards MB

The letter from Cominiere to the Minister of Mines that she cites in the new decrees is CEM/DG/138/ckk/2022. I posted CEM/DG/140/ckk/2022 yesterday which is addressed to 'Monsieur le Chef du Guichet Unique de Création d'Entreprise Antenne de Lubumbashi et Responsable du Registre de commerce et du crédit mobilier à Lubumbashi'. Both written on the the 6th of December 2022.

Here is CEM/DG/138/ckk/2022 and a translation. I haven't been able to find page 5. If someone else has it please post it.








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Just did some digging back through the ‘ Corruption’ thread because I was sure Celestin Kibeya Kibemba was charged and sent to prison…. And sure enough found it on a post dated 26/11/2022

I have edited in other posts ahead of the 26/11/2032 post (starting 08/08/2022) as I try and organise a bit more info


Lithium de Manono: Jules Alingete charges the CEO of COMINIERE for selling off and mismanagement​

August 8, 2022 TIGHANA MASIALA

For several months, the consortium "THE DRC AND ITS PEOPLE D'ABORD", made up of non-governmental organizations and media members of the coalition "TOUS POUR LA RDC", the Network of Communicators for the Environment (RCEN) and partner media are increasingly interested in the operation of public mining companies forgotten by the public and which seem to be of less importance to the Government even though they possess significant deposits and have signed partnerships as much as Gécamines and Sokimo did. Spotlight on the lithium of Manono, in the province of Tanganyika, which involves COMINIERE, a company of the State Portfolio. What exactly is it. Word to the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF).

Having consulted several documents relating to the Congolaise d'Exploitation Minière SA (COMINIERE), he concluded that there was poor management and above all the impunity of the managers whose interim dates back several years, a record achieved, without this being of interest to the government or parliament supposed to defend the interests of the country and the people.

Indeed, everything suggests that only two partnerships (SEGMAL with MMR and DATHCOM with DATHO-MIR and AVZ) are viable while others are not despite dozens of tons of coltan illegally exploited by a subsidiary of a Canadian company and subject of a legal case concerning the United COMINIERE (UC) partnership. A series of publications will henceforth be devoted to it in order to provide objective information on what is happening.

This first publication concerns the Dathcom Mining partnership and will be made in two stages, the first of which reviews the partnership contract and the final observations sheet addressed to the general manager ai of COMINIERE SA on April 04, 2022 through the correspondence referenced N ° 0552/PR/IGF/OM 54-2022/NMM/2022, as well as on the basis of the document entitled "Amendment No. 1 to the Joint-Venture Agreement entered into on March 25, 2017 between LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATION MINIERE SA (COMINIERE) represented by Mr. Athanase MWAMBA MISAO, Acting General Manager; AVZ MINERALS LIMITED represented by Mr. KLAUS ECKHOF, Managing Director; DATHCOM MINING SAS represented by its President CONG MAOHUAI; DATHO-MIR MINING RESOURCES SARL represented by Mr. CONG MAOHUAI,

Illegal transfers of undervalued shares in DATHCOM Mining for the benefit of the Chinese and poor management of revenues

To date, this mining company of the State Portfolio only owns 10% of the shares in the joint venture company while it held 30% before its sales operations contested by the General Inspectorate of Finance to DATHOMIR and ZIJ-JIN, companies with Chinese interests. The Australian-American group AVZ holds 60% while the two DATHOMIR and ZIJIN share the rest equally.

According to this two-page correspondence, signed by MM MUHIYA LUMBU Nicolas (Inspector General of Finance Head of Brigade of Revenue and Tax Services) and ALINGETE KEY Jules (Inspector General of Finance - Head of Service), it is written this on page 2 “The mission made three main observations, namely:

  1. The transfer of the 15% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to ZIJIN Mining was carried out in violation of the legal provisions on the withdrawal of the State from the companies in the Portfolio and caused, with regard to the evaluations made in the study of feasibility, a significant shortfall for the Public Treasury estimated at USD116,560,000.00 (US dollars one hundred and sixteen million five hundred and sixty thousand). It was a real selling off of the State's mining heritage, for which you are responsible;
  2. Of the total amount of proceeds from the sale of 15% of the shares, which amounts to USD33,440,000.00 (US dollars thirty-three million four hundred and forty thousand), you have already used approximately USD 6,800,000.00 (US dollars six million eight hundred thousand) for operating needs to the detriment of productive investments including USD 5,438,198.00 (US dollars five million four hundred thirty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-eight) for commissions, snacks, fees , exceptional remuneration of all those who would have contributed to the operation;
  3. The presumed free and provisional transfer of 5% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to DATHOMIR Mining Sarl, but which with regard to the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the income from the transfer being traced to COMINIERE. “
    Among other observations of the IGF, the most interesting to mention are:
  • The violation, by the partners of COMINIERE SA, of the contractual provisions prohibiting them from selling their shares before the date of commercial production without giving rise to any reaction on your part;
  • The choice of consultants FOCUS PLAIDOIRIE, Alpha BUSINESS COMPANY and Association of Mining and Quarrying Agents, over the counter in violation of public procurement legislation;
  • The transfer of Exploration Permits without payment of the transfer price to COMINIERE when the transfer contract provides for it;
  • Illegal assignments of Mining Titles by Assignees to the detriment of COMINIERE SA…”.
    The feasibility study that the IGF talks about is the one made by AVZ and presented by DATHCOM Mining to the government in accordance with the mining legislation of the Democratic Republic of Congo, our consortium has read a copy of the summary.
The criminal responsibility of the manager, according to the IGF

The transfer of 15% of the shares of COMINIERE to ZIJIN Mining Ldt (a Chinese group shareholder of Gécamines in COMMUS and of IVANHOE in Kamoa Copper in Lualaba) was made with authorization "by the two owners (Congolese State and CNSS)", according to the letter Ref: CEM/DG/074/amm/2021 of 09/17/2021 signed by Athanase MWAMBA MISAO, general manager ai of COMINIERE SA, addressed "To Mr. Christian LUKUSA , legal counsel for AVZ Minerals, of which we have seen a copy.
And in its letter Ref: CEM/DG/073/amm/2021 of 09/17/2021 signed by Athanase MWAMBA MISAO, addressed "To Mr. NIGEL FERGUSON, President of the Company DATHCOM MINING SAS", having for object: "Notification of transfer of 15% of COMINIERE SA shares and request to convene an EGM", of which our consortium has seen a copy, it is thus written from the first to the third paragraphs: "We have the advantage of notifying you of the sale of 15% of COMINIERE SA in favor of ZIJIN MINING COMPANY Ltd. It should be noted that we have complied with the statutory clauses by duly informing the two other shareholders, namely on the one hand, DATHOMIR Mining Resources SARLU which had encouraged negotiations on the share purchase proposal formulated by the company ZIJIN MINING COMPANY Ltd and on the other hand, correspondence was sent to the AVZ shareholder who did not exercise his right of pre-emption within the required period (Article 11.2 of the DATHCOM MINING SAS statutes). In addition, as a State Portfolio Company, our company has obtained the approval of the Minister of State, Minister of the Portfolio for this transfer”.

But IGF is clear about the fact that there was a violation of the law during this transfer, whether by order of the supervising minister or the owners despite Dathomir's non-objection: "The control team maintains the observation , because the general manager ai is effectively content to transfer the mining rights without valuing them beforehand. Aware that the partnerships initiated do not really benefit the State-owner, the Director General ai is embarrassed to display the meager results he has obtained. He could therefore not prove the contrary.

This is the position of the IGF in its document referenced FO/54&73/PR/IGF/IG-CS/JAK/BRF/2022, a copy of which we have read.
Concerning the transfer of 5% of the shares of COMINIERE to DATHOMIR belonging to another Chinese, COMINIERE told the IGF investigators the following: "The Company DATHO-MIR MINING SA had requested from COMINIERE SA the transfer of 5 % of action to enable it to raise the necessary funds for the rehabilitation of the Lubumbashi-Manono road. This transfer was temporary and motivated by this single imperative. COMINIERE SA submitted this question to the Minister of Portfolio who gave his agreement in principle. However, concerning the monitoring committee, COMINIERE SA was set aside because the monitoring was the responsibility of an ad hoc commission composed of the Ministry of Portfolio, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Congolese Agency for Major Works”.
A position rejected by the IGF which decides: “Not only that the prerequisites were not satisfied, but moreover and above all, there was use of forgery on the part of the Director General ai who, in his correspondence, did not hadn't told the Minister of Portfolio the truth. Indeed, the contract for the transfer of the 5% shares of COMINIERE SA signed on November 27, 2017 with the company DATHOMIR MINING SARL, duly notarized contract, makes the following findings: far from being provisional, the transfer of 5% of the shares of COMINIERE to DATHCOM MINING was indeed definitive and irrevocable; Far from being free, the transfer was made at a price agreed between the parties, but not stated anywhere in the transfer contract for reasons known only to the Managing Director.

The IGF notes with surprise that the Director General has defended DATHOMIR tooth and nail, therefore engages his responsibility in all that he is accused of.

Ignorance of the IGF report or complicit silence from the government?

The Ministry of Portfolio appears to be the great accomplice of the current poor health of this State mining company for several reasons, including the non-renewal of the representatives and the poor health of this company under its supervision, while the Ministry of Justice seems to have ignored the clear recommendations of the recent audit of the General Inspectorate of Finance as well as the decisions of its own services in addition to the judgments of the courts and tribunals of Lubumbashi against certain partners.

What is the follow-up reserved by the Prime Minister, the Ministers of the Portfolio and of Justice to these serious revelations of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) having established the criminal responsibility of the general manager ai of COMINIERE on the illegal and irregular transfer shares, their undervaluation, the misuse of income as well as sales money not traced by the financial watchdog of the Presidency in the accounts of this company in the State Portfolio since the beginning of the month from April 2022? When will the appointment of new patriotic and conscientious agents at the head of public mining companies such as COMINIERE and SOKIMO under the management of temporary workers for several years, at SODIMICO, ENTREPRISE MINIERE KISENGE MANGANESE, SAKIMA as well as MIBA which seem not to interest the leaders of the country? The rule of law that the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, wants and the efficient management of the people's mineral resources also depend on it.

The colleagues of the Kinshasa newspaper "Le Soft International" had already launched the alert on the scandal committed by COMINIERE in its edition N ° 1550 of April 11, 2022 without any institution of the Republic reacting, we repeat it and will continue to do so. to do by way of our support for the fight of the Head of State against the predators of public goods, pillar of his vision of natural resources which must benefit the people first and not a few individuals whoever they are.

A survey carried out by EcoNews, Forum des As, Congo Nouveau, Leader, Mining News Magazine, Le Socle and the “Tous pour la RDC” coalition.


Lithium Manono: Analysis of IGF reports and COMINERE accusations.​

Does the IGF give reason to AVZ, the silence of the Congolese government?​

October 20, 2022
Kiki Kienge

If we come back to his two files of the accusations of COMINIERE , a mining and commercial exploitation company under Congolese law, to the Australian-Americans of AVZ Minerals , in particular on the report of the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finances), it is simply because the start of work for the exploitation of lithium is blocked by the non-delivery of the exploitation permit to AVZ Minerals by the CAMI (mining cadastre).

It was following the report of the General Inspectorate of Finance on COMINIERE S. A that the lawyer for the Congolese mining company, Me Popol Muamba Mukengeshayi had reacted on Saturday July 30 of this year during a conference held in Kinshasa in the commune of Gombe.

Accusations of COMINIERE SA to AVZ Minerals

According to Me Popol Muamba Mukengeshayi on the feasibility study made by AVZ Minerals;“Under the terms of article 8.3 of the joint-venture contract, the feasibility study must be sent to COMINIERE for its opinion within a period not exceeding 15 months from the date of the start of its preparation. What was not done. It is only after request that we will be sent a feasibility study in English, contrary to our agreements. We may believe that our partner is acting in bad faith. We have never been informed of the level of investment committed by AVZ in DATHCOM MINING SA for carrying out the research work. All expenses incurred during operations were made in total opacity. COMINIERE learned through the media that amounts of around 30 to 70 million were used.

Me Popol Muamba Mukengeshayi speaks of lies on the sale of 5% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM to MMS, he accuses AVZ Minerals of having included in the feasibility study the Mpiana Mwanga plant which is 100% owned by COMINIERE . Of the US$6,800,000 received from AVZ Minerals and already spent by COMINIERE, for the lawyer it is a non-refundable signature bonus as provided for in the provisions of the joint venture contract.

Me Popol Muamba Mukengeshayi denounces the management without the consultation of the other partners of the DATHCOM, he speaks in particular of the regularity on the sale of the 15% of the shares of the COMINIERE to the Chinese of the company JIN CHEN.

Me Popol Mutamba had concluded his accusations against AVZ Minerals as follows;
"By attempting to turn the signature bonus into a doorstep, by undermining DATHCOM's social governance, by intervening to prevent COMINIERE from regularly selling some of its shares to partners with genuine financial and technical capacity, by proof of opacity in the development of the feasibility study and by insisting on transferring more shares than those it holds, the company AVZ ceases to show good faith and jeopardizes the outcome of the project.

Report of the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finance)
This report was signed by Muhiya Lumbu Nicolas , Inspector General of Finance Head of Revenue and Tax Services Brigade and Jules Alingete Key , Inspector General of Finance and Head of Service. Here are a few passages.
On the "regularity" alleged by Me Popol Muamba Mukengeshayi of the transfer of the 15% of COMINIERE in DATHCOM Mining to ZIJIN Mining, the IGf had proved the opposite:
  1. The sale of the 15% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to ZIJIN Mining was carried out in violation of the legal provisions on the withdrawal of the State from the companies in the Portfolio and caused, with regard to the assessments made in the study of feasibility, a significant shortfall for the Public Treasury estimated at US$116,560,000. It was a real sale of the State's mining heritage, for which you are responsible.
Would the US$6,800,000 be kickbacks ?
  1. Out of the total amount of proceeds from the sale of 15% of the shares, which amounts to US$33,440,000, you have already used approximately US$6,800,000 for operating needs to the detriment of productive investments, including USD 5,438,198 $US for commissions, collations, fees, exceptional remuneration of all those who would have contributed to the operation.
On the sale of 5% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM to MMS
  1. The presumed free and provisional transfer of 5% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to DATHOMIR Mining Sarl, but which with regard to the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the income from the transfer being traced to COMINIERE.
The IGF considers in particular that there was a violation in the sale of 15% of the shares of COMINIERE to the Chinese of ZIJIN Mining Ldt:

“The control team maintains the observation, because the Managing Director ai is effectively content to cede the mining rights without first valuing them. Aware that the partnerships initiated do not really benefit the State-owner, the Managing Director ai is embarrassed to display the meager results he has obtained. He was therefore unable to prove the contrary.

Remember that we are witnessing until today a total silence on the part of the government on the report of the IGFF. Is this a position taken by the Congolese government in favor of the Chinese ZIJIN Mining Ldt and against AVZ Minerals or the opposite?


DRC - Mines: COMINIERE SA accused of blocking the Manono Lithium production project, this mineral prized in the manufacture of electric batteries (Civil Society)​

The Congolese state portfolio company COMINIERE SA is accused of continuing to multiply illegal maneuvers to block the effective start-up of Dathcom's lithium mining project
Mining SA, in Manono, Tanganyika province.

The denunciation is made by the organizations and platforms of the society under Congolese law, in a press release whose copy reached the drafting of 7SUR7. CD this Sunday, November 20, 2022.

They want as proof of this the call for tender described as unregular launched in September 2022 by the general management of COMINIERE SA for the rehabilitation work of the power plants in Mpiana - Mwanga, which they believe are abandoned.

An irregular call for tenders
This press release points out that this call for tenders sufficiently demonstrates how much COMINIERE SA is keen, against all odds, to block the effective start of the work of the lithium mining project, this mineral prized in the manufacture of electric batteries, essential in the fight against the global warming against which the DRC is positioning itself in a solution country.

For civil society, COMINIERE SA and the Ministry of Portfolio cannot offer the rehabilitation market for these power plants to the Chinese company Zijin, as stated by a COMINIERE delegate at the meeting held on November 12, 2022 in Manono.

They recall that the Congolese government has already signed an agreement with AVZ POWER SARLU to rehabilitate the plants concerned in compliance with the laws of the country and the international standards in the sector to provide energy to Dathcom Mining SA for its mining operations as well as to public and private schools and hospitals (health centers) in Manono and its surroundings, not to mention a quantity to be used by the State for the electrification of the city of Manono and Mpiana-Mwanga.

President Tshisekedi called to ensure the integrity of the leaders of the COMINIERE

Based on this observation, civil society asks President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi to ensure that the climate of trust reigns between the shareholders of the joint venture Dathcom Mining SA so that operating operations begin urgently and to give orders to the state services for Dathcom Mining SA to be notified and that the 10% of action of the State are effectively registered in the register of the Mining Cadastre, in accordance with
mining legislation.

The Congolese Head of State is also invited to ensure that the people proposed by the Ministry of the Portfolio are honest and will defend the interests of the State in Dathcom Mining SA, United Cominière SA and others partnership companies at COMINIERE SA and to prohibit any interference or interference of certain members of the government, institutions and cabinets at the national level and in the provinces with direct or indirect interests with this state enterprise.

To the Prime Minister-in-Chief of Government, the company's organizations and platforms recommend asking the Minister of the Portfolio, in accordance with the conclusions of the Report of the IGF, to urgently recruit by selective testing of new representatives to direct the COMMINIERE, "leased for years in the hands of two people (the Deputy Director General and the Technical Director) who impose their will at the expense of the interests of local communities and the Republic."

Stop sowing confusion
The Minister of the Portfolio is asked to stop causing confusion and play a role that blocks the development of the mining project of Dathcom Mining SA, to take into account the conclusions of the IGF roadmap (Report) on its poor role in the illegal sale of the 15% of the shares to a Zijin company as well as the sale of the assets of Cominière SA by its interim management, then draw all the factual conclusions and of law.

The Minister of the Portfolio is also called upon to respect and support the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Government of the Republic, at
through the Minister in charge of the energy sector, and AVZ POWER SAU, for the rehabilitation of Mpiana-Mwanga power plants.

For his part, the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Electricity Resources is invited to ensure that the rehabilitation work of the Mpiana-Mwanga power plants is carried out normally given the agreement signed with AVZ POWER SAU which engages the entire government and the DRC and to ensure with its portfolio colleague that the COMINIERE SA Management ceases to create an additional blockage against the effective start of the work of Dathcom's lithium mining project Mining SA.

Leaders of the COMINIERE called to resign

Finally, the leaders of COMINIERE SA are called upon to resign taking into account the conclusions of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) on their management and the sale of the assets of this state enterprise.

The organizations and platforms of civil society in the DRC that signed this press release are: CDH, ESPOIR ONGDH, JUSTICIA Asbl, LICOCO, MAX IMPACT, MDR, POM, RCEN, RDN Asbl, CERN/CENCO AND TPRDC.


Civil Society points to the culprit and mobilizes to save the Manono lithium mining project

November 20, 2022 econewsrdc

Civil Society points to the culprit and mobilizes to save the Manono lithium mining project

The lithium mining project in Manono, in the province of Tanganyika, is stalling. And civil society, operating in the natural resources sector, does not hesitate to name the culprit: Cominière (Congolese mining company), this state portfolio company born from the remains of Zaire-Etain.

In a statement, made simultaneously on November 20, 2022, in Kinshasa, Kolwezi, Lubumbashi and Bukavu, these Civil Society Organizations note that "the management of Cominière SA must stop blocking the development of Manono and undermining the presidential energy policy and the development of 145 territories by multiplying strategies to block Dathcom Mining".

From the outset, these Civil Society Organizations specialized in natural resources issues say they note "an agitation and maneuvers on the part of certain administrative and judicial government services as well as Cominière SA in order to freeze the notification of the Operating Permit of Dathcom Mining SA and communicate to it the total amount of surface rights due to the State; this constitutes serious damage not only for the of this prized minerals in the manufacture of electric batteries essential in the fight against global warming against which the DRC is positioning itself as a solution country for the global energy transition".

They base their conviction on documented surveys with the ministry that manages electricity in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"Bringing into account these facts known to the Management of Cominière SA and the shooters of the strings to be identified", these Organizations recommend "urgently and patriotically" to the country's authorities to do everything possible to remove all the locks that block the effective start of the Manono lithium project.

Especially to the President of the Republic, these Organizations are waiting to see it: "ensure that the climate of trust reigns between the shareholders of Dathcom Mining SA so that operating operations begin urgently; give orders to the State services so that Dathcom Mining SA is notified and that the 10% of the State's actions are effectively registered in the register of the Mining Cadastre in accordance the government, institutions and firms at the national and provincial level with direct or indirect interests with this state company".

Completeness of their press release.
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Manono: Lithium Gate? Arrest of the DG of the COMINIERE for illegal sale of 15% of the shares to the Chinese of Zijin, US$116 million in loss.​

November 26, 2022
Kiki Kienge

With this action by the Congolese justice system, is this the beginning of the release in the exploitation of Manono lithium by AVZ Minerals?

It is on the basis of a report by the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finance) filed at the Court of Appeal of Gombe since April 21, 2022, that the Attorney General of Kinshasa ordered the arrest of the Director General and Technical Director of COMINIERE S.A, Athanase Mwamba and Celestin Kibeya.

This even confirmed by the ACAAJ (Congolese Association for Access to Justice) in a Tweet;

"The Prosecutor General of Kinshasa/Gombe has just ordered the arrest of Chief Executive Officer and Technical Director of the public company COMINIERE S.A. He criticizes them for the "mismanagement" of funds resulting from the sale of 15% of shares to a Chinese company. ”

The IGF report concluded in a fraudulent sale of 15% of the shares of the Congolese State to the Chinese company Zijin, the Cominiere had sold to the Chinese of Zijing at US$33,440 million precisely shares worth US$150 million, a loss of US$ 1166,560,000 million for the Congolese State funds;

"The transfer of the 15% of COMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to ZIJIN Mining was carried out in violation of the legal provisions on the disengagement of the State from the Portfolio companies (...)"
At this point according to the IGF report which considers 15% sales to Zijin and 5% to MMS illegal, AVZ would own 75% (with 15% of Dathomir) of the shares in Datcom and the Congolese State 25%.

In genesis in the operation of lithium in Manono, there was the joint venture company between the COMINIERE and DATHOMIR of the Chinese Simon Cong owner of the Kempinski hotel river in Kinshasa, which gave birth to DATHCOM, with 30% respectively to the Congolese State and 70% for the Chinese. Australians of AVZ Minerals will buy 60% of its shares in Dathcom and will obtain 5% surplus from the Congolese state for social achievements, such as the construction of roads, schools, hospitals...

After AVZ Minerals following an agreement with Dathomir came into possession of the 15% of the Chinese company Simon Cong, but after the filing of the operating license and the increase in the price of AVZ Minerals shares on the stock exchange, Simon Cong returns to his signing of the sales contract with AVZ Minerals and wants to regain possession of the 15%.

5 years after the Cominiere through its general manager, accuses AVZ Minerals of having achieved nothing in Manono and sells "illegally" to the detriment of the Congolese State 15% of its shares to the Chinese company Zijing, which wants at all costs to enter the exploitation of lithium in Manono;

"The sale of the 15% to the Zijin Group," based on the assessments made in the feasibility study, caused a significant shortfall for the Treasury valued at $11,56,5060,000. It was a real sale of the state's mining heritage for which you assume responsibility." IGF report.
The Chinese company, Zijing, had in particular recognized the illegal sale and decided to refund the 15% to the Congolese State without claiming anything in return, as this video shows;

The IGF report points in particular to the sale of 5% of the COMINIERE shares in DATHCOM to MMS;

"The alleged gracious and provisional transfer of 5% of the shares of the COMINIERE in DATHCOM Mining to DATHOMIR Mining SARL, but as regards the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the proceeds from the transfer being traced to the COMINIERE. ”
According to a source, many names appear in the IGF report, in particular of some political and institutional personalities, with the arrest of the two directors of the Cominiere, it would only be the beginning of Manono Gate


Dathcom and Manono's lithium: COMINIERE's DG and DT in the sights of Justice

November 27, 2022 Faustin KUEDIASALA

Athanase Mwamba, DG ai of COMINIERE, the man by whom the whole mafia prospered within this Portfolio company
Better late than never, they say. Finally, the Congolese Justice decided to look into the serious indications of embezzlement contained in the last report of the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finances) in relation to the opacity which surrounded the sale of the shares of the company of the Portfolio , COMINIERE, in the Joint-Venture Dathcom, i.e. 15% of the shares sold to the Chinese company Zijin. According to Georges Kapiamba, President of ACAJ (Congolese Association for Access to Justice), the Attorney General at the Kinshasa/Gombe Court of Appeal has just ordered the arrest of Director General (DG) ai and Technical Director (DT) of COMINIERE SA He blames them for the “poor management” of the funds resulting from the sale of 15% of shares to a Chinese company. In return, they would have received nearly 34 million USD for a transaction which was equivalent in principle to approximately 150 million USD. Worse, the allocation of these 34 million USD, according to an IGF report dated April 2022, was surrounded by a great mystery that Justice would like to elucidate.

After the multiple alerts from civil society around the Manono lithium exploitation project, in the province of Tanganyika, by the joint venture Dathcom, it is the turn of Justice to take up this case.

According to Me Georges Kapiamba, president of the NGO ACAJ, "the Prosecutor General of Kinshasa/Gombe has just ordered the arrest of the Managing Director and Technical Director of the public company COMINIERE SA. He reproaches them for the + mismanagement + of the funds resulting from the sale of 15% of shares to a Chinese company ”.

The results of the IGF investigation of April 2022 had already condemned the management team of COMINIERE, considering that the sale of its shares in DATHCOM had been done in the most total opacity.

Indiscretions report that the sale of 15% of the shares of COMINIERE to the Chinese company ZIJIN was made in return for approximately 34 million USD, instead of 150 million USD, note the most probable estimates. What's worse, the 34 million USD received in this transaction are difficult to trace, noted the IGF in its report.

In civil society, we would also like Justice to go much further by taking an interest in 5% of the shares of COMINIERE sold to Dathomir, without any real consideration.

“They must also pay for the 5% of COMINIERE graciously ceded irrevocably to Dathomir according to the IGF Report. Let them cite their accomplices in evil, in selling off ,” Frank Fwamba of the “ Tous pour la RDC ” coalition wrote on his twitter account .

It will be recalled that, in its report of April 2022 relating to " the control of the regularization of the transfer of the shares of COMINIERE SA, a public law company, in the company DATHCOM MINING ", the IGF had expressed serious irregularities in these operations.

" The control mission formulated its final observations of a long adversarial procedure, which began with the Provisional observations sheet which allowed you first to reserve written supporting answers, then to elucidate them during an adversarial debate which gave rise to the signing of the minutes ”, noted, in this regard, the boss of the IGF, Jules Alingete, in the sheet of final observations sent to the ad interim director general of COMINIERE.

The mission made three main observations, namely: The sale of COMINIERE's 15% stake in DATHCOM to ZIJIN Mining was carried out in violation of the legal provisions on the withdrawal of the State from the companies in the Portfolio and caused, with regard to the assessments made in the feasibility study , a significant shortfall for the public treasury estimated at USD 116,560,000.00 (US dollars one hundred and sixteen million five hundred and sixty thousand). It was a real selling off of the State's mining heritage, for which you are responsible; Of the total amount of proceeds from the sale of 15% of the shares, which amounts to USD 33,440,000.00 (US dollars thirty-three million four hundred and forty thousand), you have already used approximately USD 6,800,000, 00 (US dollars six million eight hundred thousand) for operating needs to the detriment of productive investments including USD 5,438,198.00 (US dollars five million four hundred thirty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-eight) for commissions , collations, fees, exceptional remuneration of all those who would have contributed to the operation; The presumed free and provisional transfer of 5% of COMIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to DATHCOM Mining Sarl, but which with regard to the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the income from the transfer being traced to COMINIERE exceptional remuneration of all those who would have contributed to the operation; The presumed free and provisional transfer of 5% of COMIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to DATHCOM Mining Sarl, but which with regard to the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the income from the transfer being traced to COMINIERE exceptional remuneration of all those who would have contributed to the operation; The presumed free and provisional transfer of 5% of COMIERE's shares in DATHCOM Mining to DATHCOM Mining Sarl, but which with regard to the transfer contract, was final and irrevocable without the income from the transfer being traced to COMINIERE ".

Today, it is before the Justice that the DG ai and the DT of COMINIERE must explain themselves. If the DT seems to clear himself of any responsibility, internally, it is indicated that he also committed acts as DG. In short, the DT cannot therefore disorient the Justice by arguing that he did not participate in the management. He is part of the game and must assume his actions until the end.
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"The problem of La Cominiere is a group of incorrigible financial delinquents"

Lithium Manono: Alingete denounces a media campaign by "financial criminals" to cover up the embezzlement and sell-off of Cominiere shares in Zijin and MMCS​

December 9, 2022
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
“From US$154 million, his incorrigible offenders sold US$33.4 million (…) they even embezzled them from the state coffers. »

The Manono lithium affair in Tanganyika has become TV news for many Congolese media and journalists, who have read their articles and investigations well, confuse the Cominiere conflict, the Congolese state and the Chinese group Zijin with the company AVZ Minerals which has nothing to do with the sale of 15% and 5% of Congolese state assets.

As a reminder, AVZ bought its 15% from the Dathomir group of the Chinese Simon Cong to have its current 75%, the report of the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finance) speaks of the embezzlement of 116 million $US on the sale of 15% of the Cominiere to the Chinese group, Zijin and 5% given at US$0 to MMCS.

This media amalgamation is not out of unconsciousness or ignorance of the case by its media and journalists, but a dark financial hand is hiding behind this campaign in order to create confusion in the Cominiere affair.

In short, the Congolese state lost $116 million in the sale with the endorsement and blessing of the portfolio ministry, as these documents show below, of the 15% of Cominiere to the Chinese of Zijin and 5% to $0 to MMCS.


Zijin acknowledged the scheming and asked to reimburse without compensation, they even offered to leave Dathcom for another site, since they were aware of their fraud in the "purchase" of 15% of the Congolese State.

$AVZ has nothing to do with this fraud.
The IGF report speaks of Cominiere, Zijin and the portfolio ministry and not of AVZ Minerals, which is waiting for its exploitation permit to be blocked by the CEO of CAMI for some unknown reason.
Here is the message of the head of the IGF, Alingete translated into French by our editorial staff:

“It is necessary that you understand that we of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), if we give you a report and that we publish it, you must believe since we are agents of the truth.

The problem of La Cominiere is a group of incorrigible financial offenders, while the head of state asks them to align themselves with the vision of good governance to give Congo a chance. Give the chance to the Congolese men and women so that tomorrow they can live in good conditions, this group of incorrigible financial delinquents open their eyes but do not want to see, they pull their ears like people who listen, but do not listen. Because in their hearts they always have plans to strike (embezzlement) against public finances.

The problem of the Cominiere is that its incorrigible financial delinquents have created a (mafia) group.

Know that lithium deposits, lithium is used for the manufacture of electric batteries, a deposit of the future.
They (the incorrigible financial offenders got together and sold the assets of the Congolese State in La Cominiere. Its assets were worth US$154 million, its incorrigible offenders sold it for US$33.4 million.

When people like that sell assets worth 154 million to 33.4 million, it means they have their stake in it. In addition to the US$33 million, instead of being used for the development of La Cominiere, they even diverted them from the state coffers.

Now if the inspectors discover their scheming and give them a public show, they begin to send their puppets (journalists and media), members of their families, their room boys to entertain on the television channels.
We must not follow them, we must only remember that they sold the assets of the Congolese State which had a value of 154 million $US to 33.4 million $US.
They sold those assets on September 21, 2021, only a year ago. Everyone can go see September 21, 2021 who was there and sold.

They speak, but do not know that Justice has already arrested those responsible for the Cominiere, while they are the intellectual and main authors that the others pay in prison.

You have to believe them, because it's the bone that gets stuck in their throat (…) they are real incorrigible financial bandits, we won't get tired, we won't let them go.

That's our job, the President of the Republic gave us this mission. »

“We have tried to remain faithful in the translation from Lingala into French to the message of Jules Alingete, any error of interpretation (if he would have) is voluntary and please accept our apologies in advance. » The editorial staff of KongoPress.
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Lithium Gate: Alingete; AVZ had estimated at $10 million for 1%, the Cominiere sells at $2.2 million to Zijin, yes there was a sale


"La Cominiere paid $6 million to 2 firms, $7 million to a commissionaire and $2 million to executives"

Lithium Gate: Alingete; AVZ had estimated at $10 million for 1%, the Cominiere sells at $2.2 million to Zijin, yes there was a sale​

December 13, 2022
Kiki Kienge

Dathcom is a joint venture composed of three partners for the exploitation of lithium in Manono in Tanfanyika; AVZ of the Australians with 60%, Dathomir (belonging to a Chinese citizen, Simon Cong) 15% and the Congolese State with the Cominiere 25%, which gives the 100%. of Dathcom.

AVZ, which owns 60%, with the authorization of the Congolese State, had carried out studies for the valuation of deposits (valued at $75 million, spent in full by the Australian company). After the valuation study, AVZ had declared that 1% of Dathcom's capital was worth $10 million, all the partners of Dathcom, Dathomir and the Cominiere were served by AVZ for the price of US$10 million per percentage.

The Cominiere, which represents the Congolese State in Dathcom, without valid reasons by its leaders, decide to sell 15% of the shares in the lithium deposits of Manono, one of the richest in the world.
This decision is motivated by what, the IGF Inspector General, Jules Alingete, asks himself.

The reason for the sale of 15% of the shares of the Cominiere put forward by the company's managers was for the relaunch of the company's activities that was stagnating. Recall that the Cominiere was aware of AVZ's valuation study, which gave US $10 million for 1% of the shares, so the 15% was worth US$150 million.

Although the valuation study already exists, that of AVZ recommended by the Congolese State, which gives $10 million for 1%, the leaders of the Cominiere have used two other different firms to evaluate Dathcom's shares.

Strangely, the 2 firms give the same value to the comma, of $2,636,660 for 1%. What a coincidence that two firms without links all give the same evaluation figure?
Jules Alingete talks about the magic of planning the predation of the assets of the Congolese State.

Despite the valuation study of AVZ (serious people, according to the Inspector General of Finance) which gave $10 million for 1%, the Cominiere by the aval of the Ministry of the Portfolio sells 15% of the state's shares at only $2.2 million for 1%. So a total of US$33 million than the US$150 million of the value of the AVZ study, causing the Congolese taxpayer to lose the sum of $116 million.

According to the account statements in the possession of the IGF, the 33 million have disappeared from the Congolese state coffers.

On the expenditure of the 33 million that should be used to revive the company, the Cominiere defends itself as follows:
  1. $6 million was paid to the two firms for their studies, which lost $7.8 million in the value of Dathcom's 1%.
  2. $7 million paid to a commissioner who allegedly brought the buyer (the Chinese Zijin group).
  3. $2 million for members of the Cominiere administration.
  4. The rest was squandered, nothing would remain in the state's accounts according to the IGF report.

Why the silence of the Ministry of Mines, because the sale of the state's mining assets, is also within its jurisdiction. Is there a conflict between the ministers of portfolio and mines?

The Ministry of Portfolio through its Minister, S. E. Had Adèle Kayinda given her authorization to the Cominiere for this sale of the 15% to the Chinese of Zijin, without consultation with her mining counterpart?

What about the silence of the Ministry of Finance, which should control and have the traces of the 33 million.
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COMINIERE SA, as a partner of DATHCOM and a State portfolio company, seized the Ministry of Mines on the 6th of the current month by its letter referenced CEM/DG/138/ckk/2022, accusing AVZ of having renounced part of PR13359 to transform it into PE13359. COMINIERE has asked the Ministry of Mines to postpone the decrees on the partial waiver of PR no. 13359.

While brandishing the Dathcom Joint Venture Agreement, COMINIERE revealed in this letter a large number of violations by AVZ, which resulted in the non-issuance of the MOU for Dathcom.
  1. The terms of the transaction for the sale of 60% of the shares of DATHOMIR and AVZ Minerals were never communicated to COMINIERE so that it could exercise its right of pre-emption. This is why COMINIERE is right to question this transaction before the Authority, even up to international arbitration.
  2. Through the feasibility study presented to the Ministry of Mines on behalf of Dathcom, AVZ wanted to:
The over-invoicing at the level of the construction services, the price of acquisition of the factories for the metallurgical treatment as presented in the feasibility study are more than ten times higher compared to the real price.

Spoliate the heritage of the State, by declaring that thanks to a law firm, AVZ was able to recover the hydroelectric power station of Mpiana Mwanga. However, COMINIERE owns 100% of the plant.

This is why COMINIERE did not give its favorable opinion on the feasibility study. Pursuant to the contractual clauses, once the feasibility study has been carried out, it must obtain COMINIERE’s favorable opinion.

COMINIERE requests the postponement of the decrees waiving PR13359 for several violations and fraud by AVZ 2

  1. AVZ unilaterally declared the transfer to the Congolese State of 10% of the shares which came from COMINIERE SA
  2. To date Dathcom has not paid for the pas de porte, although this is its contractual obligation. AVZ maintains the confusion between the notion of pas de porte and the signing bonus, claiming that it paid for the pas de porte.
COMINIERE requests the postponement of the decrees waiving PR13359 for several violations and fraud by AVZ 3

  1. Lack of transparency in fundraising operations. AVZ had to raise funds on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) for the joint project without communicating to the partners the amount obtained and the assignment to the project. DATHCOM’s financial statements are never released to associates, and AVZ refuses to release them when other associates ask.
  2. Signature of subcontracting contracts without the approval of the partners, this concerns in particular contracts signed with drilling companies and those for the supply of fuel.
AVZ filed a request for waiver of part of PR13359 without the approval or of COMINIERE SA through the General Meeting of the partners in Dathcom, thus causing the loss of a very important part of this mining heritage on which COMINIERE was very attached for this project.
img 20221214 wa0081 1
  • Without the favorable opinion of the partners such as COMINIERE, how did the feasibility study pass the approval of the Ministry of Mines?
  • Has the Ministry of Mines confirmed the sale to the State of 10% of Dathcom’s shares? Has he confirmed that the Pas de Porte 1% deposit value has been paid to the public treasury?
  • Has the Ministry of Mines checked whether AVZ presented the Minutes of the General Meeting of Partners to prove that all Dathcom partners agreed to relinquish part of PR13359?
COMINIERE requests the postponement of the decrees waiving PR13359 for several violations and fraud by AVZ 4
  • Is the part of PR13359 “renounced” unilaterally by AVZ transferred to AJN in which Nigel holds 9.65% of the shares? If this is the case, these actions will lead to the loss of assets, to the detriment of Congolese public companies and the Congolese State.
In addition, the courier of COMINIERE denounced the following violations and frauds of AVZ:
  1. Solitary management of the JV without the participation of the agents that COMINIERE has appointed within Dathcom.
  2. AVZ Power has signed a memorandum of understanding on the rehabilitation of the Mpiana Mwanga hydroelectric plant with the Ministry of Hydraulic Resources and Electricity while ignoring COMINIERE (State representative) who owns the said plant.
  3. AVZ has a habit of making publications on the Australian ASX exchange without contacting partners and obtaining their opinions.
COMINIERE requests the postponement of the decrees waiving PR13359 for several violations and fraud by AVZ 5

AVZ never kept its commitment to COMINIERE given in the JV contract to pay the advances on the dividends.

Mr. Graeme Johnson, who is Managing Director of Dathcom and Technical Director of AVZ, was sentenced to three years in prison, Dathcom was fined 50 million dollars. This was never released by AVZ in its announcements in 2021, everything is hidden.
  1. Reminder: according to Mining Agents, for the deposits studied, Law No. 007/2002 of July 11, 2002 on the Mining Code as amended and supplemented by Law No. paragraph 2 and 71 provide the following conditions for the transformation of PR into PE:
  2. The feasibility study of the exploitation of the deposit to demonstrate the existence of an economically exploitable deposit;
  • The notarized declaration of the commitment to transfer to the State 10% of the shares or shares of the share capital which are free of all charges and cannot be diluted;
  • The financing plan with identification of the sources of financing targeted, to demonstrate the existence of the financial resources necessary to carry out its project according to a financing plan for the work of development, construction and exploitation of the mine as well as the plan rehabilitation of the site upon its closure.
  • Access to the exploitation of a studied, documented or worked deposit belonging to the State, obtained by call for tenders, is conditioned by the payment of a doorstep to the latter, representing 1% of the value in place of said deposit. The value in place of the deposit is defined as being the price obtained for said deposit within the framework of the call for tenders.
Source: mines.cd
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JAG Posted

Translated from French by
#MANONO #LITHIUM SCANDAL on the sale of 15% of the Congolese State to the Chinese from #ZIJINto 33.4 million than 150 million $US . In 2021 a leader of the #COMINIERE asks to show 35.5 million $US on the documents as the actual agreed figure.
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Sam Posted

Carlos Posted

Recording pops out pretty close to ICC and when supposed ‘talks’ are on on going ; as I've said before, Zijin will start to firing others, including ministers under the bus if things start to rapidly spoil ; this recording had ample amount of time to rise to the surface ; possibly an indication of a decisive shift
Obe Wan Posted

Even if MoP was straight shooting ; after all this time of trying to pull the trapdoor on AVZ , for something like this to come out after 11 months shows that she hasn’t put any attempts into investigating the transaction … I mean ‘what was the actual price, should be one of the very first questions answered, surely Zijin haven’t misread the reported 33m , compared to the 35m they paid after all this time , surely Zijin at some point said the figure is wrong , it was $35m.... Kibeya had been fired under the bus; this recording was highly likely preloaded in the event that things started to go pear shaped
JAG Posted

Sparrowhawk12 Posted

Cancellation of DATHCOM's lithium exploitation license in Manono: the black hand of Zijin and his accomplishments unmasked

February 12, 2023 econewsrdc Economy , Between the lines

Cancellation of DATHCOM's lithium exploitation license for Manono: the black hand of Zijin and his accomplishments unmasked


As in 2009 when the Australian-Canadian First Quantum Minerals (FQM) was stripped of its mining rights in the former Katanga (Haut-Katanga and Lualaba) for the benefit of a third party, the Sama Lukonde Government, under the reign of Félix Tshisekedi and with the same leaders in charge for more than fifteen years of the poorly reputed mining cadastre (CAMI), is in the process of applying the same recipe concerning the Manono lithium project in the province of Tanganyika. Against all expectations and to everyone's surprise, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette N'Samba Kalambay, miraculously and illegally cancelled, by order of January 28, 2023, the exploitation permit n°13359 of the company DATHCOM Mining SA much to the anger and disappointment of the populations of Manono.Reason given by the Minister: "conflicts between shareholders", this is not one of the reasons provided for by the mining law of the country. After investigations, Econews and a consortium of media and civil society organizations that have been monitoring the management of Cominière SA assets for two years came across written and audio documents, including a letter stamped "confidential" because of its content. against the interests of the country, written in Chinese and French, by which Zijin Mining Group Company presents its offer of partnership to the Congolese mining company (Cominière) for, he says, "to advance the lithium mining project of Manono”. which study served as a basis for the argument of Cominière SA, recently in international arbitration in Paris against MMCS1.As in 2009 with FQM, AVZ is therefore suffering the martyrdom of political control over the only viable and world-class mining project of President Félix Tshisekedi's mandate.

We know a little more about the real reasons which pushed the Government, via the Minister of Mines who seems like a simple executor of an illegal decision of the anti-patriots and sappers of the mining vision of Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, canceled, by its decree of January 28, 2023, operating permit no. 13359 relating to the Manono lithium project. As in 2009 under the reign of Kabila who withdrew from the Australian-Canadian First Quantum Minerals (FQM) all the mining rights it held on three flagship projects in Greater Katanga, namely Kinga-myambo Musonoi Tailings (KMT) became Metalkol, Frontier Sprl and the Lonshi mine for the benefit of Dan Gertler's companies,

In Kinshasa, everything is done to push AVZ Minerals to abandon its Manono project. In ambush, there is the Chinese Zijin Mining Company which pulls the strings, ready to pull out all the stops to recover the Manono project after its 35 million US dollars, there would have been more if the security services investigate well on statements attributed to the technical director of Cominière, Kibeya, which circulates on social networks, for which the interim general manager of Cominière, Mwamba, is in detention after the audit report of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF).
It is therefore understandable why the Minister of Mines, on January 28, 2023, decided to cancel the EP granted in April 2022 to the company DATHCOM, in which AVZ Minerals is the majority shareholder. Curiously, the Minister of Mines justifies his decision by " conflicts between shareholders ". A scenario that can never lead to the forfeiture of a mining right, with regard to the mining legislation in force in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Zijin's Dark Hand
What and who does AVZ Minerals bother? Why has Kinshasa just withdrawn PE n°13359 from DATHCOM? So many questions that led Econews to take a closer look at this project proposed by the Chinese in Zijin. Through a cross-checking and investigation exercise, our editorial staff and partners came across a letter from Zijin to the general management of the Congolese mining company (Cominière SA) dated October 21, 2022.
The title of this correspondence (Cfr. extracts in facsimile), signed from the Chinese city of XIAMEN, is evocative. By this letter, signed by CHEN Jingne in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZijinMining Group CO. Ltd, this Chinese group accused by NGOs of Lualaba for its abuses and violations of the laws at Comus and Kamoa Copper presented to Cominière its “ partnership offer to advance the Manono lithium exploitation project ”. Better an order to close the deal on the problematic $35 million.

From the outset, Zijin introduces his letter in these terms:We are honored to send you this letter in relation to the object taken up. As a multinational mining group, Zijin Mining Group Company Ldt (abbreviated as "ZijinMining") focuses on the exploration and exploitation of gold, copper and other metallic mineral resources as well as the application and study in engineering technology, headquartered at No. 1 Zijin Avenue, Shanghang Township, Longgyan City, Fujian Province, China. It is listed on both the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 2899) and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 601899). Service Center, Wickhamscay II, Road Town Tortola, VG 1110. JIN CHENG Mining Limited (abbreviated as “JIN CHENG”), is a subsidiary of Zijin Mining, headquartered at Vista Corporate Service Center, Wickhamscay II, Road Town Tortola, VG 1110 " .

The motives of Zijin Mining
Then, the letter describes all the steps taken: “ Given that COMINIERE and JIN CHENG entered into a share transfer agreement on September 10, 2021 (the "Transfer Agreement"), according to which COMINIERE transferred to JIN CHENG the 15% of shares it held in the share capital of the company DATHCOM MINING SA (abbreviated "DA-THCOM"), in return for this transfer, a payment of the amount of 33,440,000.00 USD (Thirty-three million four hundred and forty thousand US dollars) has been carried out by JIN CHENG on behalf of COMINIERE (the “Transfer of 15% of shares”);Considering that the Extraordinary General Meeting of DATHCOM held on November 20, 2021 approved this transaction of sale of 15% of shares, thus materializing the quality of JIN CHENG as one of the shareholders of DATHCOM; minutes of the aforementioned Extraordinary General Meeting has been notarized, filed at the Single Window for Business Creation in Lubumbashi on November 23, 2021, and its resolutions have been registered in the RCCM Trade and Furniture Credit Register of the company DATHCOM;Given that the company AVZ International Pty Ltd, which is the majority shareholder in DATHCOM, noted all the resolutions adopted during the Extraordinary General Meeting of November 20, 2021 of DATHCOM, thus abusing its majority, consequently the Coordinated Articles of DATHCOM, as modified by the resolutions of the General Assembly of November 20, 2021, have not yet been signed to date; Since Zijin Mining, the parent company of JIN CHENG, which is one of the shareholders of DATHCOM, is eager to see the Manono lithium mining project develop successfully, given that the financial capacity, technical as well as operational have been demonstrated by Zijin Mining , which proves that it could move forward effectively in the construction and operation of the Manono lithium project;Given that the evaluation of the reserves in the PR13359 was made partially, during the transformation of the PR (Exploration Permit) into PE (Exploitation Permit), by the holder DATHCOM, who renounced the north-eastern part of the PR13359, which is the Affected Party; Given that COMINIERE's geologists have confirmed to Zijin Mining a certain mineralization potential within the scope of the Targeted Party; discuss the joint development of the Affected Party between ZijinMining and COMINIERE ".

In view of the foregoing, Zijin Mining then presented its offer – “ the Present Offer ” – in the following terms: “ 1. A joint venture agreement (the “Joint Venture Agreement”) will be entered into between a designated subsidiary of ZijinMining and COMINIERE, whereby the parties will create a joint venture (the “Joint-Venture”), in which the subsidiary of Zijin Mining will hold 71% of shares and COMINIÈRE 29% of shares” .

This offer concerns the northern part of Dathcom Mining SA's Manono Permit for which AVZ MInerals is Cominière's only partner to have invested expertise and money there in exploration and studies leading to the certification of the largest lithium deposit in world when La Cominière and his poor engineers at the head of the Technical Department could not imagine it.

Zijin is even more explicit: After the creation of the Joint-Venture, COMINIERE will assign the mining right on the Target Party legally held by it to the Joint-Venture, free of any lien, charge, claim, dispute and default. The research, development and exploitation of the Covered Party will be carried out on behalf of the Joint Venture. On the date on which COMINIERE transfers the mining right of the Target Party to the Joint Venture by completing all the relevant procedures such as registration, registration and notarization, and the Joint Venture becomes the legal and effective holder of 100% of the rights and interests of the Affected Party, ".

Finally, Zijin concludes his letter by noting that " to avoid any ambiguity, it should be specified that if COMINIERE fails to legally and effectively Assign the mining right of the Party Targeted at the Joint Venture, COMINIERE will not have the right to demand from JIN CHENG the retrocession of 15% of shares in DATHCOM, nor the waiver of the payment it made for the acquisition of 15% in the capital of DATIHCOM on behalf of COMINIERE” .

The letter goes further: " In application of this Office, COMINIERE will undertake to bear any income tax, stamp duty, transfer duty and any other tax or duty which may arise in the DRC and in any other country or region following the aforementioned "15 % Share Retrocession", recalling that "both parties and its directors, officers, employees and agents must keep this letter and this Offer in the strictest confidence. No information, knowledge, discussion, negotiation or development between the parties of which they are aware in connection with this Offer, the Joint Venture Agreement and all transactions and documents relating thereto will be disclosed without the prior written consent of each party. ". And specify, to avoid any ambiguity: “ The validity of this Offer is 60 days (“the Validity”) from the date of its receipt by COMINIERE. In the event of acceptance of this Offer by COMINIERE, the latter must acknowledge receipt and sign on the signature page before the expiry of the Validity period. Otherwise, this Offer will be considered automatically null and void, unless Zijin Mining decides otherwise ”.

This is where investigators from the Court of Auditors, the internal security of the Presidency of the Republic of Jacques Tshibanda tshisekedi, the General Inspectorate of Finances of Jules Alingete Key and the National Intelligence Agency of Jean-Hervé Mbelu Biosha must snoop more with the Cominière , the Ministry of Portfolio, the Ministry of Mines, the Mining Cadastre, Zijin in the DRC to protect the interests of the Republic and bring to justice the accomplishments in the sale of important mining assets

We understand everything when there is a deal that exists between Zijin and Cominière, millions of American dollars for illegal selling off according to the IGF. All in all, La Cominière could never conclude such a contract without the approval of its double hierarchy, namely the bosses of the Ministry of Portfolio and that of Mines. The pride of its Technical Director who is free despite the IGF Report demonstrates this. This clearly explains the decree of the Minister of Mines who will not be able to legally defend her signature before a panel of independent investigators. However, there is already an arbitration proceeding on this same mining Permit,

In reality, the Government has decided, to please the Chinese Zijin, to withdraw what rightfully belongs to DATHCOM Mining SA in which AVZ Minerals is a shareholder, as was the case with First Quantum Minerals in 2009 under Joseph Kabila by Minister Kabwelulu, for entrust it partially or entirely to the new joint venture formed between Zijin Mining Company (71% of shares) and Cominière (29%). A way to cover the 35 million USD or more disbursed by Chinese.

We therefore find ourselves with an unbalanced shareholding, to the benefit of the Chinese who already dominate the cupro-cobalt sector in a wild way. This financial arrangement demonstrates all the mafia surrounding this affair in which the investigations of the media consortium and NGOs working on the natural resources sector are certain to discover several corpses and skeletons in the cupboards of Congolese citizens who behave like mercenaries in the detrimental to the interests of the Republic. With these shameless practices, he is the President of the Republic who is stabbed in the back by crooked officials who undermine for prebends, as in the Mexican narcotic mafia, imposing a kind of omerta on any voice that will denounce evil. File to follow.


JAG Posted

Thanks Jag for this post ... and all the great efforts you are making.
Is this post a compilation (who compiled? & sent to who?) drawing on several sources including the 12/02/2023 article - https://econewsrdc-com.translate.go...tr_sl=fr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
Hoping for reolution soon, positive for DRC people and all SH. Br Sparrowhawk.
Hi Sparrow,

Posted by - Con Garlas (Twitter). It went to.......

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