BPT News: SGH Ltd (ASX:SGH) (H1 2025) Earnings Call Highlights: Strong EBIT Growth and Dividend Increase ... - 11th Feb 2025, 6:09pm


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Revenue: $5.5 billion, up 2%. EBIT: $843 million, up 10%. NPAT: $508 million, up 7%. Operating Cash Flow: $821 million, up 15%. EBITDA Cash Conversion: Improved to 75%. WesTrac Revenue: $3.2 billion, up 8%. WesTrac EBIT: $352 million, up 5%. Boral Revenue: $1.8 billion, down 2%. Boral EBIT Margin: 14.3%, significantly up. Boral EBIT: $259 million, up 29%. Coates Revenue: $546 million, down 4%. Coates EBIT Margin: 28.6%. Beach Production Growth: 15% to 10.2 million bboe. Beach NPAT Growth: 37%. S...

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