Definitely a good move…..BET didn’t even beat the RaaS HY forecast!……I think this change would have been instigated by Davey.
Agree re Jake, Davey must have enough confidence in him that he has a high level of how all the pieces work…….nothing will come out of Jake’s mouth unless Davey has approved it. Martin Tripp has moved up to Jake’s position of COO.
The betr rollout should have been a showcase of all the tech that BET acquired and media/content agreements to live up to the ‘NexGen’ hype……unfortunately its a basket case!
Matt Davey has an outstanding background and reputation in bringing multiple acquisitions together and creating a global company……I think he can do it again……it will take time.
You can put up taking more time ,if you have confidence in the leadership.
I see this as BET Version Two.
These things can go either way, a slow positive build or a revelation you have a lemon on your hands.
Hopefully Matt will know fast enough, and fast being the key word
We cant let another US season go buy will nothing happening.
Whats with the ex Ceasars guy???
what's he doing? He can't be cheap.
Do we need him and Dallas Baker??
Will Matt run this from Vegas??
If we didn't have the deals in place and money in the bank I would be very worried about our current setup with Betr.
if they get Pointsbet you watch how quickly Betr will look like their platform.
Davey has the brains but more so the street smarts to pull this out of the shit,let's hope so
I also think in this industry you need great optics as wwelland Davey looks like a CEO,where the other guy looked like he worked the front door security.
Did anyone read today's Australian Financial???
Davey gives me the impression if he can't fix this ,he will dress it up,put a bow on it and try to get some decent money for it
Hopefully more than $1 , but depends on how many more skeletons lie under the bed!!