Adèle Kayinda


Have a Cigar 1975
I couldn't find a @MoneyBags1348 thread set up here for the green mamba, so lets go.

Seems momentum from within DRC is building against her. No harm in gathering all we have on her ready for an onslaught
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Have a Cigar 1975
These are Congolese calling out their own corrupt elected officials. Pure gold for our cause!
And Jules babe is also in on the act of calling the green mamba out.

The head of department of the Inspector General of Finance, Jules Alingete gave an exclusive interview to the boss of the very famous television channel Bosolo na politik, Israel Mutombo this Thursday in his working office.
The latter said he was very surprised by the decision of Portfolio Minister Adèle Kayinda of the current Director General of the SNEL, Fabrice Lusinde. When asked by the journalist why the IGM did not comment on this topical issue, he simply replied that nothing was asked about this while stressing that his service is permanent in this state public enterprise and that there is no case of misappropriation to report.
Regarding opaque management, Jules Alingete says that nothing like this has happened in this company since the arrival of Fabrice Lusinde.

He also regrets that he has such relentlessness on a rare bird recruited by competition as required by international institutions is treated as incompetence only four months after its management.

For him, he has been observing for some time a relentlessness against some officials of state public companies.

In this exclusive interview, Jules Alingete thinks that there are black hands behind this machination.
Several other revelations are beginning to fall since the big joke of the corrupt national deputies who asked for the suspension of the DG of SNEL SA, Fabrice Lusinde and the decision of the Minister of Portfolio Adèle Kayinda, to be discovered in a short time.
All in all, only the head of state Félix Tshisekedi Tshilombo, guarantor of the institutions, has the last word.
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Have a Cigar 1975
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Have a Cigar 1975

knows that the poor DG was sacrificed because he dared to poke his nose into the 1 file of several $millions signed in September 2022 in a hurry without following the steps, unfortunately for him it was hitters who were behind this file
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Smoke 'em if you've got 'em Princess.

princess stoned2.jpg
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Thought I’d leave a couple of relevant articles here for future reference:


Fire all wood to weaken: Cabal mounted and missed against Princess Adèle Kayinda​


on November 29, 2022

The strategic and highly coveted position of Minister of the Portfolio is the headquarters at major stake, especially since the Sama Lukonde Government has decided to open the operational field by allowing Private Capital, or even Direct Foreign Investment (FDI), to come, through Joint Ventures, to partner with public companies for the development of strategic minerals in this growth-growing sector. If this work has been done with a relatively fair balance sheet in the base metals sector with copper and cobalt, there is still a long way to go for coltan, germanium, lithium and gallium, to name only these on the short-list of strategic minerals. It is easy to understand that the road to the stability of the mining subsectors is filled with obstacles whose politicization is not the least. For a comma, for a period, for a term in italics or capital letters, mountains of difficulties can be lifted, suspicions fed, misunderstandings maintained and cabals mounted from scratch. The latest is the one that tends to present the Minister of the Portfolio, Minister of State of her state, Princess Adèle Kayinda Mayina (A.K.M.) as having participated in the sale of the heritage of the Congolese mining industry (COMMINIERE), a company 90% owned by the Congolese State through the Ministry of the Portfolio and 10% by the National Social Security Fund ( And yet, for this file, investigations were conducted by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), by other state structures, reports were presented to the Council of Ministers, conferences organized for the public. When we know the functioning of the structures of the Government of the Republic, it is imprudent to consider that a minister, was he Minister of State, has the power to undertake alone such a reform that affects the life of the State, public finances and that of citizens on important mining projects that take on average thirty (30) years to carry out. Whether we have arrived at a statement without facts, without precautions, bluntly asking for the dismissal of the Minister of State, we understand this language of despair because, as long as an investigation, a judgment has not been rendered, everyone benefits from the presumption of innocence. But, some informed observers consider the latest joint statement n°003/OSC/RN/10/2022 of a group of twelve NGOs (Editor's note: CDH, ESPOIR ONGDH, GANVE, JUSTICIA Asbl, LICOCO, MAX IMPACT, MDR, POM, RCEN, RND Asbl, CERN/CENCO and TPRDC) as an attempt at media l In addition, Princess from the Tshokwe royal family. Because, the exponent in this way, we want to attract reproach to her and break what really disturbs. Princess Adèle Kayinda having become an essential political leader in the current space.

Indeed, despite her multiple mandates as a National Deputy, a valid representative of the electoral district of Sandoa in the province of Lualaba, Her Highness Princess A.K.M. was unknown to the general public who discovered her in the Government as one of the most effective warriors. The lady, always dressed in green clothes, printed an impressive work dynamic on the avenue
Wagenia, she who starts her days at 5:11 a.m. local time, and handles all the files of which she has in-depth knowledge. The various agents can testify to the rigor of the exchanges they have had with her. As if that were not enough, she proved to be an unsuspected "political beast" with the official launch of her political party, Alliance of Christian Democrats of Congo (ALDEC, created on July 1, 2017), which in the recent past has made a hit at the Kinshasa International Fair (FIKIN).
Her influence goes beyond political circles because, as an intercessor, she has been cocted by religious denominations. The latter testified to him during the organization of the days of prayer for the loyalist forces (Armed Forces of the DRC) at the Stade des martyrs de la pentecôte sports complex very recently to mobilize Christians on the question of the East. The march offered to Christians owes him part of his commitment. Princess Adèle Kayinda, according to sources close to the Ministry of the Portfolio, considers her advent in the Government of the Republic as a sign of destiny for the trust shown to her by President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo.
Associating it with cabals that destroy the Nation is nonsense. In short, it is this confidence that she also enjoys from the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge, and his fellow ministers that has become the target of this cabal. Because, so soon the electoral calendar published by the Electoral Center, the game becoming tight, the nervousness rising, the cabals mounted in emergency no longer succeed.
Robert Tanzey and Dieudonné Buanali

You have to wonder if the author has bothered to watch the IGF video on the matter of ownership presented by Jules - what is it Dieudonne doesn’t understand? 🫤


What about the COMMINIERE and its $150 million shares (15%)? Autopsy of a two-speed expertise: A second documentary investigation by Géopolis​


on December 12, 2022


The file of the purchase by the Chinese ZIJIN MINING COMPANY LIMITED of 15%, for more than 33 million US dollars, of the shares of the Congolese mining company (COMMINIERE SA) in DATHCOM MINING SA, a joint venture resulting from the partnership between the para-public, representing the State Portfolio, DATHOMIR and AVZ MINERALS LTD the Australian company, Only revelations in revelations. At the end of a second documented investigation carried out by the Congolese media par excellence of natural resources Géopolis (Read on this subject for more information the articles "Manno's Lithium: Bradage, speculation or instrumentalization?
The truth of the facts. A documentary investigation by the Editorial Board", "Manno's lithium file: Speculators and multinationals in search of financing at the basis of the delay. Chief of Staff Clément Mushengezi sets the opinion "and "Fire everything to weaken: Cabal mounted and missed against Princess Adèle Kayinda", published in Géopolis Hebdo numbers 1398; 1397 and 1395), its editorial staff came to the following conclusion: There is indeed manipulation and instrumentalization.
Indeed, long before ZIJIN MINING COMPANY LIMITED, AVZ Minerals had expressed its willingness to buy the 15% of COMMINIERE shares in the joint venture but at a lower price, USD 1 million per share, than that proposed by the first company mentioned above, USD 2 million per share. As proof, on October 02, 2022, the senior management of AVZ Minerals will write to the then Portfolio Minister, Mr. Clément Kuete Nymi Bemuna, with an extension to the general management of COMMINIERE SA - Letter received on October 07 of the same year and archived under file number 04883 - with the subject "Request to request the purchase of the shares of COMIN
"Excellence Mr. Minister, I have the honor to address this letter to you as a review in apostille (...). Our partner COMINIERE SA had repeatedly requested advances on the doorstep and as for AVZ, it wanted to increase its participation in the Manono project in order to raise additional funds for the need for the financing of the company JV DATHCOM. To do this, I would like to present you with an offer that had already been presented to COMINIERE SA in Lubumbashi, The company AVZ had asked the Board of Directors of COMINIERE SA to review a
offer to purchase an increase of 15%, based on a dollar participation
American 1 million (USD 1000,000) per %. AVZ was willing, and still is willing, to pay a certain lower tranche on this purchase offer in order to remedy the cash shortage of which we have been informed". This is the wording of the extract of this official correspondence addressed to number 1 of the Portfolio. Following the recent change of Government and the suspension of the power of disposal of public representatives, AVZ Minerals had directly requested, through its Director General, the opportunity to organize a working meeting on the possibility of additional purchase of shares belonging to COMINIERE SA in DATHCOM. This to allow it to raise enough funds necessary for the development of the MANONO project. An offer far lower than that presented by ZIJIN MINING COMPANY, which offered $2 million per share. Between 1 million (15 million) and 2 million (33 million) for the only two offers presented at the time, the choice was therefore clear. Information confirmed by Mr. Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Portfolio, recently speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio Television (RTNC). Where do the famous 150 million US dollars come from? Who made the studies and estimates in defiance of the law of supply and demand? How do you estimate the value of a share on the stock market? The amount was proposed by which company because the new mining code prohibits the sale of mining titles to natural persons? This is where the mystery lies about these questions that have remained unanswered.
It is important to know that the sale of COMMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM took place on October 21, 2022. The General Inspectorate of Finance masterfully directed by the Inspector General - Head of Service, Mr. Jules Alingete Key, was misled for nothing. Between AVZ Minerals and ZIJIN, who wanted to buy COMMINIERE's shares in DATHCOM at a low price to talk about selling?

Dieudonné Buanali
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@Xerof I’ve put a lot of information on the IGF and Adele Kayinda on the‘Corruption’ thread…. I think it’s a good idea if you want to put the info on Kayinda here

As for me, I’ve organised information onto 22 threads (hard to believe!)

There’s plenty of shareholders on tse who just lurk in the background and don’t contribute, I’ve done all I’m doing for now…. If I do any more it will probably be targeting the DRC MINING WEEK event ahead of June but too many non contributors on tse for me to continue giving a shit
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I couldn't find a @MoneyBags1348 thread set up here for the green mamba, so lets go.

Seems momentum from within DRC is building against her. No harm in gathering all we have on her ready for an onslaught
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Vomit Bag for Jane over here please :oops:
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Kasai Oriental: "The Head of State has promised to relaunch MIBA and this relaunch must be done" (DG Paulin Lukusa)

In an interview granted to Actu30 CD, this Friday, June 23, 2023, the general manager of Minière de Bakwanga (MIBA), Paulin Lukusa, recalled that the recovery plan for this company has already been drawn up with the Steering Committee of the reform of public enterprises (COPIREP).

For him, the revival of this company from the Congolese state portfolio must be done.

“The relaunch, the Head of State promised it and the relaunch must be done because MIBA must not remain like this with lots of deposits of the important minerals that we have.

It is important that it can be relaunched, you have followed that COPIREP had drawn up a plan with MIBA, which had been validated since January 06 of this year”, hammered the director general of MIBA.

Paulin Lukusa, Managing Director of Minière de Bakwanga (MIBA)

The MIBA Steering Committee will be received by the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, during his stay in Mbuji-Mayi, in Kasai Oriental.

It should be recalled that the Bakwanga Mining Recovery Plan (MIBA) was validated in January, after the workshop for the restitution and validation of this document chaired by the Minister of Portfolio, Adèle Kayinda.

This plan was developed by the Steering Committee for the Reform of State Portfolio Enterprises (COPIREP) in collaboration with the Presidential Strategic Watch Council (CPVS) and the MIBA Board of Directors.


*Good Ol' Adele, The Princess of the People, Gods Daughter in the DRC :sick:

With her finger in more Pies and more Paper Bags than you can Poke a Bent Stick at :rolleyes:

How the Fuck she isn't in Jail / Behind Bars by now is beyond me :unsure:

Oh, That's right, I nearly forgot, silly me :rolleyes:

With a weak as Piss President :(

Corruption Pays in the DRC :mad:
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*Oh, FFS - Jesus Christ can't Help anybody atm, He's DRC Dead remember :rolleyes:

Because if he was / could - He'd strike down the DRC Princess for starters 👿

Praise the Lord ( Voldemort ) :eek: ;) :eek: :oops: :eek:

Food for thought :unsure:

Frank 😇
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Rehabilitation of Fabrice Lusinde at the head of SNEL: “Adèle Kayinda did not rebel against the national deputies, she just lifted her precautionary measure!” (Lawyer)

Since Thursday, June 22, 2023, Fabrice Lusinde has regained his chair as Director General of the National Electricity Company -SNEL- after having served a suspension of two months and 4 days, imposed on him by the Minister of State for the Portfolio, Adèle Kayinda Mahina, as a precautionary measure.

This suspension, following the recommendations of the National Assembly issued at the conclusion of the interpellation of Fabrice Lusinde in the hemicycle, made headlines for weeks.

Indeed, during the plenary of April 12, the national deputies had decided on the dismissal of the Director General of SNEL together with the obligation, for the office of the lower house, to seize, in accordance with article 198 paragraph 2 of the Rules of Procedure of this institution, to transmit, within 72 hours, this resolution to the President of the Republic, to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of the Portfolio.

Seized by Christophe Mboso, speaker of the lower house, the Minister of State Adèle Kayinda had, on April 18, taken the precautionary measure to suspend DG Lusinde on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, Sama Lukonde.

"It could not be otherwise given that only the President of the Republic, who appointed Fabrice Lusinde by presidential order, has the power to dismiss him in accordance with the theory of the contrary act", explained a jurist.

This theory defends the logic according to which "has the power to revoke only the authority having subsequently taken the act of appointment".

Failing for President Tshisekedi, suitably seized by the National Assembly, to relieve Lusinde of his functions, and for the lower house to seize justice more than a month after his recommendations to the executive, the Kayinda Min'Etat has resolved to revoke its decree of April 18 by rehabilitating the suspended CEO of SNEL, prevented by the theory of the contrary act from dismissing Lusinde as wanted by the lower house.

“It did not work on the recommendations of the National Assembly.

She didn't ignore them either.

Adèle Kayinda did not rebel against the national deputies as it is told in the social networks.

She only followed the path of law, "said the same lawyer, considering that all the recommendations made by national deputies for the recovery of SNEL, remain in place.

In particular the implementation of a recovery plan for this public company.

In this context, the World Bank has for some time been financing the reform of certain Congolese public enterprises, including SNEL, in collaboration with the Steering Committee for the Reform of State Portfolio Enterprises (COPIREP).

According to the terms of this collaboration, Fabrice Lusinde had been recruited to the post of general manager of SNEL after having passed the test organized by the World Bank and COPIREP.

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Jens Emil Soderlund

#MMCS My sources inform that $AVZ Shareholders need to know that the MoP approved the selling of 5% of cominiere to MMCS without approval of both MoM and the council of ministers making it a huge and unprecedented case in the DRC

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Misappropriation of funds at the Gecamines: despite demonstrations, the management committee cajoled by Adèle Kayinda "The Tshisekedi regime waded in the mud" Alerts an observer -​

3 days ago

Kinshasa, November 16, 2023 - despite the demonstrations organized in Lubumbashi to denounce the alleged embezzlement of funds at Gecamines, the management committee of this mining company was received this Wednesday by the Minister of Portfolio, Adèle Kayinda, learns from a reliable source.

According to our sources who warn about the unexpected meeting between Adèle Kayinda and the members of the management committee, the Minister of Portfolio would have cheated Guy Robert Lukama and his suite.

The same sources reveal that the minister even cleared Guy Robert Lukama and his entire committee despite the revelations of the IGF inspectors. In the process, the analyses go in all directions, to the point of accusing Adèle Kayinda of giving the green light to the Gecamines management committee, at the price of an envelope, which would be for more than one, open-air corruption.

Also accused of silence "Complicity and inaction" in the COMMINIERE case for the exploitation of lithium in Manono, Adèle Kayinda again faces accusations in the Gecamines case.

" Despite the hijacking naked, despite the pressure of the agents and depending, despite the scandal, the Minister of the Portfolio cajole the management committee of the Gecamines.

Once again, Fatshi's diet in the mud. After the Minister's inaction in the COMMINIERE file, today the Gecamines dana the guele of predators under the impotent eye of the minister.

Is it a complicity or a weakness? " wonders our source who requested anonymity.

The Head of State is therefore called upon to get involved to bring order to this society, considered as the economic lung of the katanga or even of an entire country. Placing a team of people capable of materialize the vision of the Head of State remains an emergency.

Recall that according to IGF reports, some Gecamines representatives, including the current Chairman of the Board of Directors, Guy Robert Lukama, have embezzled more than US$10 million in the SMICO case.

Vivid demonstrations were triggered in Lubumbashi by youth movements, political parties and former Gecamines agents, to demand the departure of the PCA and its continuation.

Editorial staff
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